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Hey guys,

It's my birthday and I'm 19 years old. For my birthday, a two of my friends, my sister, my sister's friend, and I are going to go see Onward and I heard good reviews from the movie and I'm so excited to see it. I was going to see it anyways because it has Tom Holland and Chris Pratt. I know I get gifts for my birthday, but I want to give you guys a gift from me. I will give my instragram account to you guys. This is my account whitmarvel01, my recent photo I posted is me wearing a camouflage hip-hop costume and there's a sign that says I TURN 19 and it has a countdown.

So, I kind of want to be serious for just a second. I know there's the coronavirus going around and there's a lot of things getting cancelled or being delayed. So, tomorrow or Monday I will discuss what is going on with the coronavirus. But right now, just stay safe and health.


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