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I was greeted by Wendy who was the driver of the vehicle. She stood out more than my actual date who was seated at the back.

She had one hand held unto the wheel, the other on the chair.

She's the driver?

"Aren't you going to get in?" She asked enthusiastically, like a mom seeing her daughter's boyfriend for the first time.

I looked over at the back where Seulgi was seated. She gestured for me to sit with her at the back. Detoured to the rear passenger seat door, leaving Wendy hanging by the window.

Entering the vehicle, she gave me a hug as soon as my ass hit the chair. "Long time no see."

"So that's how it is... huh. Just because you two have found love for eachother, I will become the lonely one in the bunch. We might as well call this the Lonely Bunch!" Wendy whined in the driver's seat, hitting the wheel lightly.

"Ya, Seungwan-na!" Seulgi scolded the girl, immediately shutting her up.

Wendy muttered under her breath, "whatever..."

She looked gorgeous as ever. She had a striped long sleeve with a brown suede skirt. What stood out was her beret. She looked stunning.

I, on the other hand... wore sHORTS. What was I thinking?!

Seulgi hasn't greeted me yet. It felt awkward. I didn't know what to do. Luckily, Wendy was really talkative. It was like we were talking to each other through her.

"So, Y/N. Since when were you two dating-

"Dating? Pfft Wha-"

I gazed at Seulgi. She stared at me waiting for my response.

"A-are we dating?" I accidentally asked. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?!

Immediately, even Wendy was silenced by the awkward atmosphere in the car. I looked down to my lap to rethink about my decisions.

Then I heard from the side of my ear a stutter. "I-if... you want to...?"

"Just kiss already!" The bitter Wendy shouted.

Seulgi hits her shoulder from behind. "...Ow." Wendy groaned.

We took off and left the place.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We actually have a change of plans." Seulgi says.
"We're going somewhere hidden. Because..."

"You guys will make out!" Wendy budged in the conversation.

"Son Seungwan." Seulgi says with a serious tone. A rare sight to see.

The younger got scared, even if they're just days apart in birth.

Wendy took that signal and just turned on the radio. Embarrassingly, Wendy's song played. Her collaboration with John Legend. I expected Wendy to change the station but she stuck with it and even started singing.

She sang flawlessly.

Seulgi wasn't impressed. She just sat there. It was still awkward between us.

Half an hour later

Where are we going? I thought to myself. I looked out the window and saw mountains across the lake. It felt like we were out of the country.

I looked over at Seulgi. She was barely staying awake. Her head and body leaning towards me.

Slowly, she got closer and eventually her head landed on my shoulder.

My heart felt like it was going to burst. Her hand was touching my thigh but only barely.

I looked over at the window in case Wendy would see my face blushing.

"Y/N..." I heard from the side of my head. It was Seulgi murmuring.

She moved her mouth towards my ear and whispered.

"Can... We cuddle?" She asks softly with her cute voice.

She rested her head on my chest. I adjusted my back so that het head wouldn't fall off. She held my hand slowly and put her arm over my belly.

She grabbed unto me like a Koala.

It felt like Dejavu. Have I dreamt about this before?

This felt like heaven.

Wendy was luckily still focused on the road.

I had the urge to kiss Seulgi on the head but that's taking it too fast. I had to control myself. Keep it together, will ya?!

After minutes of this hell show of my heart beating hard, Seulgi slowly moved her head up. At first, she just stared at me. I didn't look at her though, I felt awkward if I stared at her too.

Suddenly, she got closer to the side of my face.

Her lips land on my cheek.

My heart,


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