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Irene left the room shortly after the ordeal. They didn't even continue the practice. She just left after making out with my girlfriend. The audacity-

"Seulgi-ssi." I said. I didn't know who this girl was anymore. Is she even my girl or Irene's girl at this point?

"Yeah?" She says. Staring blankly at the wall. Don't tell me you want more. Cause you sure as hell liked it.

---changed lines start here---

"I didn't know you swung that way." I subconsciously joked, still trying to grasp what happened. She shakes her head, snapping out of it. "No! No. That's not what it seems." She says, waving her hands in denial.

"It seemed like it." I whispered under my breath. Realizing the severity of what happened, I got ticked off. "You can't be doing that with her!" I said sternly. "I know! I didn't know what I was thinking." Seulgi says.

I scoffed. "You could've at least tried to stop her!" I scolded her, crossing my arms. I never wanted to speak this way to Seulgi, but what happened makes it completely justified. "I'll go talk to that lady." Hopping off the bed from the bedframe. Seulgi holds me back as I tried to walk away.

"I'm really sorry." She says, almost at the verge of crying.

Urgh... Why does she have to look that way? I can't storm off like I was planning to. Lightly stomping my way to the door, opening it wide open. The hallway was bright, light shining from the window down the hall.

---changed lines end here---

Passing the kitchen, I enter the living room space. Wendy was just sitting there watching TV. "Good morning." She says. I greet her back as I headed on to look for Irene.

I was stopped from my tracks by Joy who blocks my way as she exits the bathroom door.

I was stopped from my tracks by Joy who blocks my way as she exits the bathroom door

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"Oh. Sorry." I said. I step aside without worrying too much about it.

"Tss. That's not how you greet someone good morning." I hear from behind me. It was Joy talking to herself as she headed to the living room.

Hm. I didn't really have the mental capacity to bother with that since my head was filling up with things that I was planning to say to Irene.

I wanted to be dramatic. Something powerful. Something that could leave a message to her. Cause I'm not letting that happen again.

Mumbling to myself as I practiced the lines. It looked like I was part of a drama shoot. Peeking through every corner, Irene was nowhere to be found. "Irene-ssi." I whisper to myself multiple times. Picking the right tone that would send chills down Irene's spine.

"Irene-ss-" Yeri stops me from walking any further. "Y/N... What are you doing?" She asks. Oh shit. She probably heard me. This is embarrassing. "Have you seen noona anywhere?" I asked.

"Oh. Wasn't she with you and Seulgi-unnie in her room?" She asks about her whereabouts.

Hmm.. Where did that woman go?

I get down to the end of the other hall where there was a door that I didn't know what it led to. I peeked in to check, but cautiously in case I wasn't supposed to be there.

 I peeked in to check, but cautiously in case I wasn't supposed to be there

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It was the laundry room. There stood Irene  by the mirror, just staring at herself. She was touching her lips so closely. She didn't even notice me by the door.

"Irene-ssi." I say, with the coolest tone I could possibly make. She turns around and screams, obviously flustered by my presence. I literally walked in. How did she not notice me?

She stares me with both anger and fear in her eyes. "Why did you scare me like that?!" She asks loudly. I didn't mean to- Is she mad at me? If there's anyone who should be furious, it's me.

I cross my arms, prepping myself for this massive pile of words I was about to lay down. If things go wrong it'll be a pile of shit instead.

"I need to talk to you." I said. Oh, the confidence that was oozing down my pants was overwhelming. I never expected myself talking down on THE Irene.

"What is it?" She asks, folding her sleeves up as she goes back to what she was doing. "I can't let what happened a while ago slide." I said. I wanted to smirk so badly but this wasn't no television show.

She tilts her head to the side. Like it was nothing to her. I- I can't believe this woman. "I don't see anything wrong with what happened a while ago...?" She says under her breath without looking at me one bit. I can't even have a proper conversation. I can't believe this. I finally scoff. "Nothing... wrong?" I said, with a somewhat sarcastic tone.

"You can't be kissing my girlfriend like that." I said. "Kid. We were just practicing." She says, still not looking at me once. KID?! K I D ? Am I just a younger boy to her? Is that why she can do whatever she wants without any reprecautions?

I scoffed once again, but this one was more cocky. "You- I'm trying to be as respectful as possible. But you're really testing me, Irene-ssi." I said.

"Then stop me." She says, grabbing a bucket of clothes from behind the door. She was literally doing her business while I was freaking out mentally about what I had to say next.

I hesitate from answering. This time, Irene scoffs. "See? You can't even stand up for yourself." She says. "How do you expect me to let Seulgi date someone like you?" She says.

"You even let me make out with her for a hot minute."

My blood was boiling. She was talking down on me so hard. My mind was on the verge of malfunctioning.

I close the door behind me, clearing out any noise that could get out of that room.

I roll my sleeves up, walking towards her. "Ah..."

"This noona needs to learn some manners."

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