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Seulgi chokes on her spit upon hearing Irene's out of the blue question. Irene does have a point. We've been taking so long and had barely made any progress. I figured she just wanted to wake Seulgi up.

"I'm sorry, unnie." Seulgi pleads, unable to even look at her in shame. Irene holds her chin and brings it up. Now the two's face were close once again.

Irene stared deeply into Seulgi's eyes, trying to establish a connecting between them. They've been struggling for the past few minutes, leading to Irene's desperate solutions.

"I'm serious. Do you want to?" She asks. Her face calm but her brows said otherwise. Her brows dug deep in the top of her eyelids, adding to the whole serious look she had going on.

Seulgi looks at me, obviously frightened to her bones. She looked as if she was asking, "What is she talking about?? Should I?? WHAT AM I THINKING??"

Irene wasn't having any of it anymore. She lets out a big sigh. Her hands land to the side of Seulgi's face. "Don't move." She says. Seulgi's eyes widened as she sees her unnie lips come closer to hers. I was panicking in the midst of this since I didn't know what to do either. It's like Seulgi was already held captive at this point.

Seulgi squirms as Irene moves in closer and closer. Seulgi's head kept moving backwards trying to avoid it. But Seulgi ends up leaning on me, stopping her from moving any further. Her head pushed against the side of my belly as Irene devours her face.

"MMmmmMMMmmmMMM!!!" Seulgi squirms with her enclosed mouth, which I presumed was already being shut closed by Irene's lips. Irene's hand lands unto my right thigh as the back of her head faced me. I'm sorry, Seulgi. I couldn't pull you out sooner.

I felt bad but kinda wanted to laugh a bit seeing the two quarrel literally on top of my lap as they struggled with kissing.

After a few seconds, I came to realize that the two weren't letting go anymore. HOLD UP. I could hear their lips smack on my lap. Irene's hand grasping tightly unto my thigh as the two were practically making out at this point.

"G-Guys.." I whispered. Trying to make them break up from the kiss. They still wouldn't budge. EXCUSE ME??

I tapped on Irene's head, trying to make her realize how long they've been kissing already. She tosses my hand away to the side. Landing back on my lap. ...OKAY THEN??? I was getting worried at this point. These two might end up doing other things if I didn't stop them. I lifted Seulgi up by sliding my hand below her back to bring her up. Irene moves backwards, the both now sitting up. THEY STILL DIDN'T STOP. "GUYS??" I said loudly, clearly alarmed. "Holy shit.." I murmured.

Do I call for the other members to stop them? They're outside the room. But.. That would make things awkward if everyone else found out what's happening. I needed to stop them.

I grabbed on both of their shoulders, trying to pull them apart. But Irene puts her hands behind Seulgi's waist. HOLY SHIT. Seulgi's arms go around Irene's neck. The two were devouring each other's faces. I was right in between them so I could see the action from up close.

Hold on... Are they using tongue?! "YOU GUYS. STOP." I said, while struggling to pull them apart.

They finally let each other go. Irene wipes off the slob from her lips while I see Seulgi just sit there quietly. Her lips were wet, wind coming out of her nose as she breathed heavily.

What do I do now? Did I just witness something I shouldn't have? I can't look at them the same anymore. I want to go hide inside a hole after witnessing all of that. And also I was kinda... Nevermind.

The two didn't speak for a bit, but just stared at each other from a distance. "Are you guys.. finished?" I asked. Trying to be cautious in case they make out again. If they would I'd call the authorities (a.k.a Wendy, Joy, and Yeri).

Irene nods, sighing with a smirk. She's... smirking?

"I didn't expect it to go that far.. Haha.." Irene says, trying to fix her sleeves after the whole thing. Seulgi just laughs awkwardly from the other side.

"Why didn't you stop us, Y/N?" Irene asks, looking at me as she fixes her shirt.

I- You- You tossed my hand away??

Did I just like... get cuckolded? An affair? In front of my eyes? And I didn't do anything about it?

"I didn't know you're a great kisser." Irene says to Seulgi. Seulgi just smiles blankly. "I- I didn't know either.." She answers.

"Are you guys like.. okay? Are you guys even sane? Why would you go that far?" I asked. At first I thought it would be just a small harmless peck, but they were practically shooting a porno on me.

"I got carried away." Irene says. "Me too..."

This is so fucking awkward. I'm speechless. I literally let my girlfriend get manhandled by Irene. "Well now what?" I asked. Literally what else can they fucking do at this point? Maybe soon they'll practice fucking.

"Do you still feel giggly when I sit... This close?" Irene says, scooting closer to Seulgi.

Seulgi's face flusters up, seeing Irene come up close once again. She flinched, thinking Irene would kiss her again. Which I won't let that happen. "I guess not..."

So.. Can we stop practicing Intimacy? Like... Ever again? 

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