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The night was dimming darker and darker. It was pitch black outside, the only light source was our fireplace which soon dimmed too.

I looked at Seulgi, who's head was starting to tip. Her forehead leans unto my neck, her breath tickled the area underneath my chin.

Took my phone out to check the time, it was 1:45 am. I was surprised by how early it still was.

Seulgi's weight slowly pressed unto my body as she slowly falls asleep.

Her chest pressed against my arm.

Her fingers were intertwined with mine.

I gently patted her head to wake her up, but she didn't respond. "..seulgi.." I whispered. She still didn't budge.

I guess I'll carry her to the tent.

I removed the padded jacket off my shoulder and snuggled her inside the jacket as I held her up with one hand.

She almost dozes off my hand but luckily I caught her before she could fall.

I stood up from the chair. My arm went underneath her thigh while the other supported her head. In one attempt, I carried her up towards my chest.

She was surprisingly light, for how tall she was. Has she been maintaining her health? I hope she is...

Standing up, her arm finds its way to my shoulder. I guess she's half asleep. Her hand held unto my shoulder as I carried her into the tent.

Opening the fabric door, I saw Wendy on her phone. The light from her phone glistening on her milk skin brightened the inside of the tent.

"She's a lightweight." Wendy says, still looking at her phone.

That explains alot..

I laid her down by the side of the tent, opposite to where Wendy laid down.

The inside of the tent was not too spacious, perfect for three to four people in capacity. Wendy stayed underneath where the tent droops down.

Seulgi looked like a baby snuggled inside the thermal jacket. Her cheeks were so pinch-able but I had to resist. Noona's really cute..

As I admired her face, I noticed the thick layer of makeup on her face. That must be heavy on the face, and harmful for the skin.

"Noona." I called for Wendy's attention. She took a few seconds to stop scrolling through her phone before she replied to me.

"Me? Noona?" Wendy points at herself, asking for affirmation.

"No one's ever called me Noona before.." She says as she closes her phone, dimming the tent drastically. I was blinded by the darkness. I took my phone out and turned on the flashlight before laying it down on the ground. The light bounced off the ceiling of the tent, making it a makeshift room light.

"Well... Wendy, do you have any makeup remover?" I asked.

"Woah.. Cool.. You're so thoughtful." She says in admiration. "I think I have some wiped around here somewhere." She says before rummaging through her bag.

"Here!" She says. Tossing the bag of wipes towards me.

I pulled one out and put my hand gently under Seulgi's chin. Stroke the moist wipes on her cheek, slowly uncovering her bare skin, Which was awfully not too far from when she wore makeup.

My eyes felt like they were captive as I couldn't stop admiring her from up close. My thumb caressed her cheek as I cleaned her whole face gently.

"Aigoo, you're not doing it right." Wendy mutters from the side.

She sits up before kneeling towards Seulgi and I.

"Give me that, you're barely getting any off." She says before aggressively stroking Seulgi's face with the wipes.

It looked uncomfortable. I thought she would wake up by the aggressive wiping on her face.

"See?" She says as she gives one last wipe on her face.

"Woah.." I said. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable after doing all the hard work, so I clapped.

She returns back to her side of the tent and goes on her phone.

Later on, I heard something growling. Is it a bear? It was kind of soft, almost like a purr from a cat. My ears listened closely. I followed the sound, and it directed to Seulgi.

She was snoring. Not subtly, but a little loud. But it was cute.. In a way..

"She's like that when she's drunk. I hope you can sleep through the night."

It doesn't really bother me. Oh well..


Wendy shuts her phone off, and snuggles into her sleeping bag.

"Go to sleep. It's really late." Wendy says before wearing her sleeping mask.

"Goodnight." She says.


"Goodnight, noona."

I laid in between the two girls. Not close at all, to be clear. That would be weird. But then again... I'm sleeping in the same tent with them.


Okay.. Maybe it is stopping me from sleeping. My body faced towards Seulgi the whole time so I could hear every single snore from front row.

My body faces the the direction opposite to Seulgi. As my torso sways to the side, my hips switch sides, I stared straight.

Wendy was still awake. Looking at me. Dead on.

It felt like almost a minute. Of plain.. Staring.

What is happening?

She isn't looking away. I felt uncomfortable by how long we stared. My eyes averted from her.

I looked back again and took a quick look to see if she was still staring.

She was.

Oh god what is happening. It felt unsettling.



Wendy's mouth slightly opens releasing the foul sounds of her deep sleep. Her eyes were wide open.

Is she sleeping with her eyes open?

I can't believe I'm sleeping with probably the two most attractive girls I've known in my entire life.

And they're both snoring... Directly towards me.

It was like IMAX for soft snoring.

Really thought that things would have played out differently tonight..

I Guess not..

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