chapter 18

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~Rachel's POV ~

"Now Rachel you haven't even graduated yet and your thinking about leaving are you even ready to move out on your own",my mom said. "Yes I'm ready I raised myself my whole life till I came here",I said. "Rachel you need more time",my dad said raising his voice. "No I don't I'm ready",I said. "No you are not when you turn 18 we will talk then",my mom said. "I done ask you guys for anything and the one thing I want to do you all disagree to",I said. "Rachel you need more time and thats final",,my dad said. "I'm done",I yelled! I got up and left.

~Cameron's POV ~

I was gonna go to Rachel but it would be best if I let her cool off. "Why cant Rachel move in with Cameron",Nash said. "Because Nash this isn't any of your buisness any way",there mom said. "I know for a fact its not because she is not ready tell me the God damn reason",Nash argued. "Nash that is no way to talk to your mother",there dad said. "its because you always wanted another kid but you couldn't have one and you don't want her to leave",Nash half yelled. "Nash",his mom said. "You just done want her to go admit it",Nash said. "Fine you are right I don't want her to go you are both gonna leave me and start your new lifes and Cameron I wont see you any more or you Taylor you two are like family",there mom said. "If me and Rachel moved in together I would take care of her and trust me we would come and visit as much as we can",I said. "You promise",she said. "Yes Mrs. Grier",I said. "Well ok then",she said. "Thank you so much",I got up and hugged her. I started to head up the stairs. I walked in Rachel's room she was watching tv. "Cameron",she asked. It was dark so it was hard to see. "Yeah, I got good news",I said getting on the bed. "Right now nothing would be good news". "You can move in". "WHAT OH MY GOD ",she screamed. She jumped on me. "YAY"! She put one nee on each off my sides. We started to make out. "Well someone is miss happy",I said pulling away. She laughed. "We need to get furniture and groceries and jobs",she said. "Yeah my parents said they can help buy furniture and I have money in savings",I said. "I have money in savings to",Rachel said. "Omg Cameron I cant wait",Rachel smiled.

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