chapter 9

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~ Rachel's POV ~ (2 months later )

Today is our last day of school. I'm so excited. Those girls have stopped beating me up. Now they just try to steal Cameron away from me. But Cameron ignores them. It was really hot outside today so I decided to wear something cool. I put on some white shortest that fades into blue. Then i put on a blue crop top that matched the blue on my pants. Then i put on my white high top converse. I left my hair natural. I grabbed my penny board and headed to school. The ride wasn't to long but it was far I just have to head out early. I stopped by Cameron's on the way. He was outside waiting. "Hey babe", he said. "Hey". He came up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back. We have been dating for 2 months and no kiss yet. I really don't care though I'm happy with him and that is all that matters. "Ready for school to be over". "Umm yes". We got on boards and headed off.

~ Cameron's POV ~

I am planning something for our 2 months tonight. I can't keep it from her any more I have been keeping this forever. I hope she will like it. We finally got to school. "I wont be in the first two classes I have to do something for football",I said.

~Rachel's POV ~

"Ok",I replied. I was worried what my bullies would do to me when Cameron wasn't around. We walked our separate ways. Then I saw them and they saw me. What was I going to do. Was today the day I beat the shit out of them.

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