chapter 25

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~Rachel's POV ~

We asked my parents to dinner they said they would come. I was nervous.( I put on outfit above). I let my hair down in its natural curls today. I put on light make up. When I was done I Went down stairs and text Cameron while I was waiting. My parents came down and said they were ready. We headed to olive garden. When we got there Cameron was at our table. We went and sat with him. We got our own private table outside. It was a warm night out. We talked about our beach house and a few other things. I grabbed Cameron's hand. "Mom and dad me and Cameron want to Tell you something",I said. "Yes",they said. "I'm pregnant". There faces turned to anger. "YOUR WHAT",my dad yelled. "I CANT BELIEVE YOU, YOU WANT TO MOVE IN WITH HIM THEN HE GETS YOU PREGNANT"! "Maybe I want to have my own family",I raised my voice. "We are done here you pack your stuff be out by tomorrow",my dad said. "YOU ARE UNBELIEVABLE YOU ARE KICKING YOUR DAUGHTER OUT WHEN SHE IS PREGNANT",Cameron yelled! I got up. "The time I  Need you all most you are not here for me",I cried. I started to walk off.

~ Cameron's POV ~

I was beyond mad. Rachel left. " YOU BETTER WATCH YOURSELF DALLAS YOU GO ON TO I CANT SEE YOUR FACE RIGHT NOW IT DISGUSTS ME",her dad said. " AT LEAST I CARE ABOUT HER AND I'M NOT A JACK ASS WHO ONLY CARES ABOUT MY SELF SO THE PERSON WHO REALLY NEEDS TO WATCH THERE SELF IS YOU",I yelled. I got up and walked to the car. Rachel was sitting on a bench. I went and walked her to the car. We got in. "I heard what you told him thankful for understanding",Rachel said. "Anything for my love, now lets go pack your stuff ",I said.

We were at her house packing. "I am gonna miss it here",Rachel said. "Rachel",someone said it was her mom. "Don't go he spent want to see his oldest grow up not like I do either but we want to be in our grand daughters life," she said. Rachel ran up and hugged her. Rachel started to cry. "Thank you for being a awesome mom when I meet you all at the foster home I already felt at home",Rachel said. Her mom left. "Rachel",I said. "Hmmm". I grabbed her by the waist. "Our rode might be bumpy but we will get through it together",I said looking deep into her eyes. She kissed me. "You know how to make me happy in every situation",she smiled.

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