chapter 32

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~Rachel's POV ~ (6 months later)

I woke up to a sharpe pain on my side. I was a week away from 9 months pregnant. Cameron got a acting job. He is great but he is not home a lot. He left about 2 hours ago. I was laying in bed. I felt the pain again. It hurt like hell. It happened again and I let out a yelp. I picked up my phone and called cameron. "Hello"? "Babe I think my water just broke",I panicked. "Calm down babe I'm on my way". He hung up. I layed there breathing fast with pain throughout my body.

~Camerons PoV ~

I ran in the door. Rachel was on the bed. I picked her up and took her to the car. I drove as fast and i could. We got there and she went in right away I called her parents and the guys and my parents. They were all here in a heart beat. The doctor came over to us. "Who is coming in there", she asked. "I am",I said. "And my mom and her mom". "And Taylor Rachel would want you in there come on". Taylor smiled. We walked back there. Rachel was on the hospital bed.

"Here is baby number one",the doctor said. It was the girl. " and baby number two". They washed them then brought them back in. Rachel was crying of joy . "what should we name her",Rachel asked me. "Adriana Hazel Dallas",i said. "Oh Cameron I love it". "Now he should be Ayden Cooper Dallas ",Rachel said. "I love it". Cameron she has you eyes",Rachel said. I smiled. "Do you want to hold them",Rachel asked. "Umh yeah",I smiled. I took them out of her hands and held them. Then I passed them to Taylor. (Baby's rooms up at top^)

~Rachel's POV ~ ( next week)

Cameron went on a trip yesterday. He said he didn't want. To go but I told him to and not to worry about me. I have seen all this crap an his phone. Him texting his agent. They go out all the time. Cameron didn't help with the kids. He is to busy. This weekend he is away with his agent and I'm worried. I thought I would go surprise him tomorrow. Taylor and Nash were gonna watch the babies. Was packing my bag. When Adriana started crying. I was so stressed. I went to get her. I picked her up and feed her. Then I payed her down for a nap. There was a knock at the door. I opened it up and saw Noah. "Noah",I screamed. He hugged me. "I herd you had twins". "Yes would you like to meet them?" "Yeah and nice house by the way". We walked up to Ayden's room. "This is Mr. Ayden Cooper Dallas ",I said. "She is beautiful just like you", Noah said. I blushed. "do you want to stay awhile"? "Sure". We walked down stairs and sat on the couch. I plopped down and took and sighed. "Wheres Cameron "? "Businesses trip",I rolled my eyes. "Why dose that upset you",Noah asked? "Because he has been hanging out with his agent more then he has us and I think he is cheating on me the went on this trip with him". "So I'm going down tomorrow to surprise him". "I'm sorry Rachel remember if you need anything I'm here for you",Noah said. I smiled. "Well I'm sorry to run but I be to go". I hugged him goodbye and he left. Time to get packing.

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