Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen:

Steve smiled at Tony's sleeping figure as he buttoned up his shirt. The warm Sunday morning greeted him through the window as he ruffled Tony's hair to wake him.

Tony stirred slightly, his face turning into one of confusion as his eyes landed upon Steve's outfit, "Where are you going?"

"Where I go every Sunday, lovely," Steve sat down.

"Church?" Tony furrowed his eyebrows, "But I thought that they believe being gay is a sin?"

"They do," Steve hummed as he slipped on his shoes.

"But I thought you were gay?"

"I am," Steve smiled, sitting so that he could face Tony properly, "Just because a large group believes something, doesn't mean it's right. The Bible, while it does hold most truths in my opinion, it has been passed down and possibly altered many times. I share most Christian views, so I go to church. However, I believe that God loves everyone, even gay people."

"So being gay is bad, but God loves us anyway?" Tony tilted his head, trying to wrap his mind around Steve's religion.

"No, that's not what I'm saying. I just believe that my God, wouldn't put limits on who we can love. And people who disagree, well, that's their choice. That's what's so great, we all get to believe whatever we want. Or not even believe in anything at all."

"So it's still wrong," Tony muttered.

"Hey, you can love whoever you want. There's nothing wrong with that," Steve caressed Tony's face gently, "Promise me you won't let anyone change that."

"Yeah, I promise," Tony grinned, liking the feel of Steve's hand on his head.

"Good, now I talked to Bruce this morning, and he's waiting for you downstairs," Steve leaned over and pressed a kiss to Tony's head, "Don't keep him too long, okay? We're trying to get you back to tip-tony shape."

"Don't ever say that again," Tony groaned, making Steve laugh, "And for the record, I don't feel like working out....or eating your nasty foods. So you can tell Bruce that."

"Tony..." Steve tsked, resulting in an eye roll, "Everyone is doing it to pitch their part. You won't be alone."

"I think you missed the part when I said I didn't want to," Tony sat up, "Listen, this is important, and you have to know."

"Okay, shoot," Steve glanced at his watch, taking note that he was running a bit early.

"I know you won't like this...but just hear me out," Tony sighed, turning serious, "I don't want to be a superhero."

"Tony!" Steve huffed as Tony broke into a fit of laughter, "I thought you were being serious."

"No, wait, I was being serious!" Tony laughed, following Steve out of the room in his sweats, "Wait, Steve! Please, don't make me!"

"Tony, you have to. Even if you don't want to fight, you need to get back to being healthy," Steve lectured as they made their way downstairs.

"But why?" Tony pressed as Steve walked towards the front door.

"Because then you'll be at a lower risk of death. And you'll be fit and happy," Steve unlocked the front door, sighing when he felt a weight on his right leg.

"But why can't I just be chubby and happy?" Tony tried to reason from where he clung to Steve's leg. By now, Tony saw everyone else who was in the kitchen. However, now their eyes were on the two.

"Look, Tony," Steve gestured towards them, "They're all waiting for you."

"But they're all already in shape," Tony frowned, "Why won't you just love me while I'm chubby?"

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