Chapter 1. Home sweet Home

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It was an ordinary day, kind of.
My cousin Aaron was spending some time at the house, more of a shack really, painted a weird lavender to try and make it look nicer, but a shack none the less.
And Aaron and his girlfriend weren't helping much. I was at the table, studying and playing with my pitch black hair while my stupid cousin was practically tearing down the house. My schoolwork isn't exactly... interesting to me. I'd much rather sleep but if I want dad to be proud it wasn't about to happen by reading from my dream journal. But things kept distracting me, "OH, VENICE! GO OUTSIDE! I JUST MOPPED THE FLOOR!" Screamed mom, seeming more concerned than she should be really. I rolled my eyes, I couldn't help it. "It's not like she can chose not to drip every where, what do you expect from a weather dog? A flood weather dog none the less. 'Besides you shouldn't have adopted her if you-" I was cut off. "Don't lecture me, you're still in trouble for releasing that pig on your cousin." I laughed, "Ah com'n! You have to admit it was funny! At least a little."

Mom gave me a half smile but quickly rejected it, "Just put Venice outside until she stops her raining."

She was still annoyed but not as.

"Fine, but it will only make it worse."

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