Chapter 4. A Final Destination

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The sun started to rise and I woke up between my big Clydesdale and a log, Once again, drenched due to Venice.

"Sorry Sam, we're going to have to work a lot harder from now on."

I grabbed my clothes out of Sam's saddle bag and went to the lake to bathe. When I finished I was folding a pair of my dads old pants.

But then I heard a noise.

As fast as possible I grabbed Cherry's Bow and aimed it towards the sound when a girl walked into sight.

But it wasn't the type of girl you might find by a river in the forest I'd come to expect,
This was the Princess.

I was never good at aiming the bow but this was the first time I was happy about it. I'd be in some deep trouble if I shot her.
She had white braided hair and a beautiful blue dress with the stars embroidered in it.

I quickly dropped my weapon and bowed.
"Princess I apologize...

What are you doing here?!"

She replied in a voice that seemed impossibly loud yet smooth.
"No matter, But I believe I should be asking what are you doing here?
Dressed like that none the less."

I looked down and remembered I was wearing armor.

"I suppose you're here to fight? Very well."
Somehow she managed to interrupt me before I even opened my mouth,
"I just hope you know that women can't fight without royal exclusion."

I did.

"That was my fathers law but I've ordered the general to let anyone fight as they please. We need all the help we can get.
So if you'd care to finish up, I'll escort you to the camp."

She started to turn and leave.

Suddenly it dawned on me.
"Y-You never answered my question, your highness."

She gave me a slight grin and said in the same magically loud yet smooth voice,
"Preparing to become a queen isn't as fun as one might think."

She sat on the log next to Sam and pulled out a whittling knife and stick.

For a while I just stared but then I simply threw a pebble at Cherry and told her I'd explain on the way.
And before I knew it we were on our way to the camp.

With the Princess, Cassiopeia, on my horse and me walking ahead we finally made it to the camps.

It was pathetic.

Most of the tents were partially torn down and the soldiers were lining up, miserably for the general.
I swear women aren't aloud to go to war without royal exclusion yet I could take all these losers at once.

The princess dismounted the horse, said her goodbyes and walked off to watch the troops.

Cherry dismounted her horse and hugged me,
"This is where I stop. I got you here safely, now I need to go take care of everyone back home.
I trust you want me to take Venice back as well?"

"No, she'll be a good source of water and a necessary search dog, but thank you for keeping her safe."

I whistled and let Venice jump on the back of Sam as I quickly hugged Cherry. "Make sure Aaron doesn't Kill anyone."
Cherry laughed and started to tear up a little. "I fear he already has." she replied, and remounted her horse.

"GOODBYE COPYCAT!" I yelled back and waved goodbye.

And then I started walking towards the camp sites.

I dragged Sam along and started to realize what I was about to do,
I was about to face a flaming magic snake. That killed my dad and millions of other soldiers.
It was most likely that I would die and for some reason I didn't care.

So I just walked to the tent, I could use being alone for a while.

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