Chapter 5. Old Friends New Faces

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I woke up to the sound of trumpets.
Since I was a new enrollment I went down to the blacksmith to fix up my mace and get a new bow.

When I got to the tent the girl running it took my mace and started to do work when I noticed she was looking at me intensely, with that look people have when they're trying to remember something.
Then it hit her.

And it hit me.
She was practically bouncing of the walls.
"Its been years! I guess wars really can bring people together!" The small red haired girl with black strait horns laughed and hopped over her counter.
"So what brings you here?"

"My dad died and mom needs money."
I hated saying things like that,
It always inflicts pity. I've never been afraid of looking week but I never wanted anyone to feel bad for me.

"Im terribly sorry. This war has taken too many lives. And just because of a scary little flying snake."

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine as long as I can get a decent mace and a bow."

"Consider it done. I'll even show you one of my new inventions!"

"Oh dear here we go..." I replied.
Darla was always a crafty one.
I remember when she made a slingshot and nearly killed a few kids in the school yard. Good times.
But it seems she's improved a lot now, she went into her private stash and pulled out a gorgeous bow and an arrow with a what looked like a diamond tip.

"I've been working with the claws of Griffins lately and I found something that seems quite effective, the only problem is the expense.
I've taken a claw from my griffin and encrusted the diamond in a way that reduces the diamonds brittle nature."

"So you can can use the diamond as an arrow head!"


Amelia, I think we can end this war!

With this!"
She shoved the arrow into my hands followed by the bow.
"I want you to use it."

"Darla, Its amazing but I'd be the last person to give this to.
Aren't there any better archers you can trust?
Darla let out a sigh, "Everyone in this war is arrogant and stupid.
Besides you had great aim as a kid!"

"Well it might interest you to know that I haven't improved at all. But thank you. You're a talented blacksmith Darla."

She finished with my mace and gave it to me.
"Good luck!" she yelled.
I was grateful for that bit of luck,
I needed it.

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