chapter 5

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In nic's room

after bell and mina left, Nic decided to shut her eyes after getting a scolding from her doctor, as she lay back into the pillows she hoped for a sleep in which she doesn't get nightmares, as she rested her eyes ten minutes later mina and bell walk to the room, just as they enter the room Conrad looks up to see the former CEO and his friend stood at the door, he then looks to his girlfriend sound asleep in the bed, he eyes mina then he puts his finger to his lips asking them to be quiet, he gets up from his seat and he walks out the room closing the door behind him quietly hoping not to disturb nic.

outside the room

Conrad: so did you get the tapes?

Bell: yes we got there before someone else could apparently someone hire up asked for a copy, but security are still not trusting red rock so they gave them a story about needing time to get the footage.

Conrad: good did you see it?

Bell: bits of it and you are right Logan Kim was on that corridor at the time of the incident.

Mina: and I managed to get the patients full records and to be honest red rock are bad for Chastain, I know they are supposed to be top notch but they don't think about patients all  they care about is money.

Bell: Chastain is a business.

Mina: I know but Chastain is a business  but they do care about the patients and the staff, red rock don't care if a doctor doesn't read the patients file.

Conrad: did you read the mans file?

Mina: I did and I found what Nic was going on about, and she is right cain ignored the patients dnr, and I pulled information from the code in the operating room, the man was down for thirty five minutes, no wonder this guy is the way he is red rock and cain put him like this and they ruined his life.

Conrad: great so what are we going to do know?

Bell: well here is the mans file and tapes, you look through them and I will come up with a way to get you your job back.

Conrad: thank you.

bell walks off leaving mina stood outside the icu room door.

Conrad talks the files and he walks to the room, where he resumes his seat mina follows in behind him.

Conrad: so how is she doing?

Mina: she is getting there.

Conrad: good look she wants to get out the icu and into a normal room?

Mina: I will arrange that.

Conrad: thank you.

Mina: no problem I will let you get on and read the file let us know what you find.

mina walks off and leaves Conrad to read the files in peace.

soon two transport men come and transfer Nic to a room on the fifth floor were Nic and Conrad usually work.

once Nic was settled in her room Conrad got down to reading the file before he watched the security tapes of the hallway near the patient named benny who runaway after hurting nic.

after 30 minutes Conrad put down the files of the patient who hurt Nic, he couldn't stomach reading the rest of the file since it made him sick how Cain and red rock ignored the mans request to be let to die instead of being brought back, he thought every patient has rights and they a right to have there say on how they want to go out, if they want to be saved or if they want to die with dignity.

nic lay in bed she woke up when she heard paper being shuffled like someone was reading a file, she awakes from her sleep, she opens her eyes and she realizes that she  got her wish and mina got her transferred to another room, Nic wakes up fully because the noise in the room woke her up, all she could hear is the sound of paper rattling  she looks to Conrad who sat in the chair beside the bed, and beside him was a little table with his laptop on it and a file.

Nic realized what he was reading,  Conrad looks up from the page he was reading when he feels like he is being watched, he lifts his head up and he looks to the bed and he sees his girlfriend looking at him.

Conrad: hey feeling better after having a nap?

Nic: I feel better well rested, but the pain in my side is still there but I can cope.

Conrad: okay let me know if it gets to painful, and I will speak to mina about more pain relief.

Nic looks to Conrad and she sees the file he is reading .

Nic: what's that you are reading( pointing to the file on the table).

Conrad: well while you were asleep mina and bell came through, they managed to get a copy of the security tapes for the hallway where you were attacked, I haven't looked at it yet, but mina managed to get the full patient file on paper from records.

Nic: did it give you anything?

Conrad: oh loads and I am ashamed to say that I work for red rock, and I believe you I think this patient needs our help, and I found his dnr and a transcript of the operation that changed his life where cain ignored it.

Nic: good what you going to do know since you don't work here and this man needs our help.

Conrad: well we are not doing anything, you are staying in bed while I will watch the tapes and see if I can find the person who stabbed you, then I will give the tape to the police.

Nic: you also need to find out were the patient went.

Conrad: why?

Nic: Conrad this patient is still a patient of ours and he needs our help, if he  left the hospital he maybe scared and he might be close by.

Conrad: fine I will ask mina for help but you have to promise me you will rest and stay in bed and listen to people.

Nic: fine I will as long as you help my patient.

Conrad: I will now relax.

mina walks into the room doing her rounds and Nic was next on the list.

Mina: so how is the patient doing now?

Nic: fine I want to get out of here.

Mina: well you can tomorrow, and later the drains will come out, and I also need to check the dressings as well.

Nic: good.

Mina: so did you find anything in the tapes or the file?

Conrad: I haven't looked at the tape, but I looked at the patients file and I can tell you that if this patient had a helper and representative he could sue red rock for changing his life and hurting nic.

Mina: so Nic was right?

Conrad: yep and I found the dnr I thoroughly read through it, and then I read the operation transcript from his brain tumour removal the one that caused the problems, it shows that Cain ignored his patient and his requests, then he tortured the man but reviving him and putting  him on a ventilator until he woke up with brain damage.

Mina: god red rock are monsters all they care about is stats.

Conrad: yep and did you know that every time a patient is in the vent farm they get money everyday, to them the patients are the money banks, as long as they keep them alive the money keeps flowing and there bank accounts fill up with profit from brain dead patients.

Mina: god I thought Cain is bad but know come to think of it all the bosses at red rock are bad as each other.

Nic: so what  are we going  to  do  know?

Mina: keep  hold  of  the  paperwork  and hide it, but know  look at  the  tapes.

Conrad: what  you  thinking  of doing mina?

Mina: well  red rock can play  dirty so can we.

Nic: wait your suggestion  is  to  blackmail  them  but for  what?

Mina: well  conrad  has information  that  could  ruin red rock  reputation so we tell them  we will  take  the information  to the  police, but if there worried  they may want  it back  so  they may want to do  a trade.
Conrad: trade what  for  the  information?

Mina: we give them the  information  and  in return  they  let conrad  return  to  work at Chastain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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