intensive care unit
Conrad walks into the room where his girlfriend is in, as he walks into the room he looks to the bed where his sleeping girlfriend lay with tubes coming from her body, he walks to the side of the bed he takes a seat beside the bed, he takes a hold of nic hand he takes it in his, as he held her hand he looked to the young women lay in the bed fighting for her life, then he thinks who would do something like this to a kind caring, person.
Conrad got bored sitting waiting for the women he loved to wake up, so he got out of his seat he wanders to the end of the bed where nic medical chart is, he grabs it and reads the medications she is on, then a light flashed in his head, he couldn't understand why nic's treatment method is different from most comatose patients he has come across unless the patient has another condition he continues to read on then he turns the page and on the other side he finds a picture of his and nic's unborn baby, the thought of having a baby with nic again brought a smile to his face, Conrad is brought out of his dreams of a family when he hears noises coming from the bed.
he looks up to the bed and he sees his girlfriend struggling and fighting the ventilator, he rushes to the side of the bed he takes her hand he looks into her eyes, he reaches for the call button alerting the nurses that the patient needs help, he sits by Nic calming her down so then she doesn't injure herself or tear her stitches.
soon a nurse rushes to the room along with mina who were worried as to why Conrad had pressed the button to get the attention of the nurses.
Mina: Conrad what's wrong?
Conrad: can we extubate her, she woke up and her vitals are strong.
Mina looks to the bed then she sees her friend opening her eyes, she looks into her friends eyes and she sees the pleading in her friends eyes, mina takes out her stethoscope and she takes a listen to nic's chest and she is happy with her friends breathing.
Mina: fine lets take the tube out and keep her on a nasal tube for supplemental oxygen.
Conrad helps mina and the nurse take the tube out of nic's throat, they take the tube out once the tube came out Nic ended up in a coughing fit, the nurse grabs a cup of water and she hands it to the patient.
nic takes the water, with the help from conrad she takes a few sips from the cup, once she is finished conrad puts the cup back on the table, as nic calms down she cant help but notice conrad looking at her caressing her face , as he does he has a smile plastered to his face, the constant smiling was making nic freaked, she thought someone had made him happy but what could have made him so happy to smile like he is on drugs, she got curious so she decided to hit the nail on the head and she decided to confront her wierd boyfriend.
Nic: conrad why you so happy at the moment?
Conrad: me i am just so happy and in love with you at the moment.
Nic: really you hate your job because of red rock and you will since i got injured because of them people, but i cant think of anything else as to why you are so happy.
Conrad: i am happy that we get a second chance and i definetly love my chickens but they dont make me happy like you do.
Nic: okay he is creepy and dont be happy that i gave you chickens, anyways if anyone should be happy it should be me since i am supposed to be on the good drugs and for some reason i feel like i am not on the good stuff.
Mina: hey conrad i think you should stop smiling like a cheshire cat and instead come clean and tell her the truth since i dont thinks she knows what the heck your blabbing on about.
Conrad: fine when you were unconscious they did rountine bloods and they discovered something and that then changed all your treatment plan including your pain meds.
Nic: great what did they find?
conrad pulls out the scan photo of their unborn child.
Conrad: this is what they found out(places the paper into his girlfriends hands).
Nic looks to the grainy picture of of blob, she traces a finger on the picture thinking about the little blob growing inside of her, then she realized what conrad was going on about then she thought that she and conrad had a second chance at being a family.
Conrad: so did you know that you are pregnant?
Nic: no I felt off for the last week but I didn't think ever since Jesse died I have been preoccupied with finding out what actually happened to her.
Conrad: it's ok I am not blaming you for not knowing and what happened last time, I am just concerned about you and I want you to not stress about anything from now on.
Nic: what would I do without you there for me reassuring me and telling me sweet gestures like that.Conrad: oh you would fall apart and you would definitely miss me every day we were apart because me and you are supposed to be together.
Conrad makes nic laugh at his gesture, as they both laugh nic forgets that she is still recovering from surgery, so when she laughed she moved, and when she moved the movement caused pain to shoot through nic's side, nic winced and groans at the pain.
Conrad: hey you okay?
Nic: yeah just forgot that I am recovering from surgery and I will be sore for a while.
Conrad: good I will let you get some sleep okay.
Nic falls asleep, conrad sat back in the chair since he could not leave the room as he doesn't work for Chastain no more.Ten minutes later
Conrad sat plays with his phone checking his email when all of a sudden he is distracted by the noise coming from the bed, he looks up to see nic thrashing around in the having a nightmare.He grabs nic by the shoulders he whisper soothing words and then he reminds her that everything is okay and that she is just sleeping and having a bad dream.
Nic wakes in shock, she looks around the room expecting to find someone else other than her boyfriend.
Conrad: hey nic you okay?
Nic: yeah why wouldn't I be.
Conrad: you were dreaming and screaming at someone to get out.
Nic: oh its nothing.
Conrad: it's not nothing when you can't sleep and when you do you are having nightmares when did they start.
Nic: just now.
Conrad: what caused the nightmares?
Nic: I don't know.
Conrad: well the only thing to cause nightmares is trauma so what happened apart from being attacked by a patient?
Nic: well when I got hit over the head the patient ran out the room leaving me unconscious, as I came to I remember seeing a dark figure walk into the room.
Conrad: wait the stabbing is separate the patient didn't do it?
Nic: no and that's why I am having nightmares I can't see who it was but I thought that this figure was going to kill me.
Nic cries at the thought of her life and her baby's life in danger.
Conrad grabs hold of her he puts her head to his chest whilst she cries her eyes out.

red rock
أدب الهواةbased on series 3 of the resident and how red rok medial are getting away with things my story is about the drama in the hospital escalating to violence on their own staff.