emergency department
doctor Nolan the lead trauma surgeon walks into the emergency department, just as Randolph the chief of surgery was entering the department too.
Nolan: morning sir how does it feel not being in charge of the hospital?
Randolph: great no politics and I get to operate on my patients and I get gratitude for my services.
Nolan: so why you here?
Randolph: I got paged for an emergency, what about you?
Nolan: I also got paged for a trauma emergency incoming.
Randolph: okay so why did we both get paged let's ask Irving.
Randolph and Nolan walk to the nurse's station, they approach doctor Feldman and head nurse Hundley who stood talking about a patient, as Nolan and Randolph approach the desk Irving looks up to see the chief of surgery approaching him.
Randolph: doctor Feldman we both got paged where is the emergency?
Irving: I don't know all the details all I know is that a nurse was attacked by a patient and they need emergency surgery.
Nolan: so wheres the patient?
Irving on there way down in the lift, they need to been stabilised before surgery so doctor Pravesh is bringing her down here, I have set up trauma 11 for the new patient.
Randolph: good someone page aj we may need a cardiothoracic surgeon down here.
ding the lift reaches the emergency department, two men wheel the trolley out with devon at the side holding pressure to the nurse's side where they were bleeding from.
Devon: Irving which room we going to?
Irving: trauma 11.
devon wheels the trolley into trauma 11 they transfer the patient to the other bed, Randolph and Nolan run in wanting to know why they were both paged, when they get in the room they look to the patient and they are shocked at which nurse was injured.
Nolan: oh my god nic what happened?
Devon: I don't know I found her in a room where a patient should have been but he wasn't there she was alone and bleeding and I didnt know what else to do so I brought her down here first.
Randolph: no problem doctor Pravesh you did the right thing now step away and let us take over.
devon steps aside Randolph and Nolan get to work, with the nurses helping soon nic lay on the trolley in nothing but her underwear and bandages on the wound to her chest, once nic is stable they get her up to theatre to stop the bleeding in her chest.
aj and mina rush to the emergency department due to being paged, they rush to the trauma room only to stop when they see devon stood outside the room in a flustered state, he looks to mina with a worried look.
Mina: devon what's wrong?
Devon: the trauma case its nic she has been hit on the head and stabbed I found her in a patients room.
mina rushes in to look at the damage to her friend, she looks to the trolley and all she sees is her friend on her back with a collar around her neck and a plaster covering a wound to the right side of nic head, as nic lay on the trolley she had a tube in her throat breathing for her, she had lines running into her arms with blood and fluids, mina then looks to the wound on her friends side to her the idiot who hurt her hit an artery.
AJ: mina I will assist, the chief of surgery and doctor Nolan with surgery you take a step back since she is your friend.
Mina: fine but I am watching has anyone contacted Conrad letting him know what happened to Nic?
Devon: no I will call him.
Randolph: who is her next of kin?
Mina: it would be her dad but he is out of the country with his lady friend he recently met so it would be Conrad next on the list.
Randolph: right devon calls him don't tell him the whole story just tell him to get here know.
devon gets his phone out he calls Conrad after nearly arguing with devon, Conrad agrees to come to the hospital.
Randolph: right get full blood off and let's get her to the theatre.
Hundley: wait we need to know something before we go, its a question we ask all female patients but in nic case we cant.
Nolan: what's that?
Hundley: is there any chance she could be pregnant.
Randolph: good point but she is bleeding out and we can't wait for blood results to come back.
Mina: do a quick ultrasound.
Nolan: ultrasound to me put gel on her stomach now.
Nolan shouts orders everyone listens and does what he says, they ultrasound nic's stomach they check the womb and what do you know Hundley was right nic is pregnant.
Randolph: great inform the anaesthetist that our new patient is pregnant and to alter the drugs, how far is she?
Nolan: eight weeks she probably doesn't know yet or if she did she did a good job of hiding it.
Randolph: okay to the theatre now.
they rush to the lift they run to the operating theatre.
in the operating theatre stood three good surgeons all working to save the life of one of the best nurse practitioner and her unborn baby.
operating observation room
mina, devon both stood watching as the three best doctors in surgery fight to save the life of one of there own, as they stood there watching the door opens and in walks a worried Conrad.
Conrad: what happened?
Mina: nic was injured but we don't know who did it.
Conrad: how is she doing?
Devon: at the moment good, her blood pressure holding and it looks like they have managed to control the bleeding.
ten minutes later surgery was finished soon nic is wheeled out of the operating room, Conrad rushes out the room and to the corridor to meet the trolley where his unconscious girlfriend lay.
Conrad: how is she?
Randolph: surgery was a success and we managed to stop the bleeding and reinflate her lung she will be in intensive care for a day or two on a machine so her lungs have a chance to heal.
Conrad: good I know I have been fired but she is my girlfriend and she is now a patient so I am staying and I don't care what logan Kim and Cain say.
Randolph: good I wouldn't have it any other way stay as long as you like and when she wakes up the police will want to speak to her about what happened.
Conrad: me too I want to know who did this to my girlfriend.
after talking with the chief of surgery, Conrad rushes off to the intensive care unit where nic is going to be for the next day or two.

red rock
Fanfictionbased on series 3 of the resident and how red rok medial are getting away with things my story is about the drama in the hospital escalating to violence on their own staff.