Chapter 6: These People Are FREAKING Weird!!

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(Y/N)'s Pov

Soooooo...... It's frustrating to wear a black cloak 24/7.
Its so freaking hot, I feel suffocated but I guess I'll just go with it.

"I have to warn you though. The inmates are a bunch of morons." The gorilla-man said as I walked behind him.

I sighed, just great.......
"I guess I'm used to being around idiots." My voice came out a lot deeper than usual but that was because of the small device on my neck. It was a voice changer.
Gorilla raised an eyebrow," Well considering you are a girl, just tell me if they find out. I'll make sure they don't give you a hard time."
"Thanks." I smiled.

We walked through a hallway with multiple cells, all of which weren't exactly occupied.
I don't see a single inmate around here.

We stopped in front of a cell which finally had some inmates.
"You have a new cellmate." Gorilla announced," Go on."

I entered the cell and there were some guys just hanging around doing nothing. As soon as they saw me, they quickly came forward to greet me.

"Hi. You must be the new inmate." A kid with bright green hair said enthusiastically," oh my gosh, you're hood and maks is so cool."
"Um thanks." I replied, unsure what to say.

"This is inmate number one hundred and eleven." The gorilla introduced.
Oh so that's my number. Okay then....

"Nice to meet you inmate one hundred and eleven. My name is Nico." The green haired boy grinned as he walked upto me for a hug.
Oh no I have to live with a hugger.

"Give him some space Nico. He just got here." A voice diverted my attention.
A buff looking dude with purple and red hair smiled at me," The name is Rock."

"Nice to meet you—." I got pulled aside by the gorilla.

"Stop pestering he—him." He almost blew my cover.
It's not like I really care.

"Wow Hajime you're really defensive about him, aren't you?" A guy with long blonde hair in a braid came out of the shadows.

"The name is Uno, by the way." He grinned," And don't you dare forget it."
Is this guy for real....

"Hey you haven't met the last member of our group." The green haired kid dragged a black haired dude out of the shadows," Meet Jyugo."

"Umm hi." The black haired guy said awkwardly. I figured he wasn't really good at socializing.

"Excuse him." Uno sling his arm around the boy's shoulder," He is kinda shy."

Jyuyo looked kinda uncomfortable but had a small smile on his face.
I feel like I've seen him somewhere.

"Group meeting now." The purple haired guy announced as he and the rest of his inmates hurdled together in one corner.

"I'll leave you all alone for now." Gorilla said as he turned to me," Let me know if you're feeling uncomfortable in that, you are more than welcome to come to my office to ease out a little."

"Why do I have to wear this? I mean they are eventually gonna find out." I asked at the group in one corner, kept whispering something and looking over their shoulder every few seconds.

Gorilla sighed," It's all just a formality really. The warden and her ways."
"Eh whatever."
The gorilla began walking out the door, locking
the cell behind him," I'll take my leave then."

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