Chapter 2: That's How I HECKING Killed Her.

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(Y/N)'s Pov

Okay so the past couple........days?....weeks? ........months?........ I don't know how much time has passed, but anyways.
So it has been a complete hell for me, living with the crazy, psychotic woman who is high on alcohol most of the time.

At first I was like 'this isn't so bad'.... But with time she showed her true colours.

I was scrubbing the floor of the woman's room, who told me to address her as 'Mistress Camila'.........
Ahem..........I mean ........Anyways so she forced me to work for her day and night and I was completely okay with it even though my body couldn't handle the work load and I felt like dying already, I was freaking fine. At least Beena and Nicolas were okay. And besides, she gave me a two hour break ever three days, so I was doing all right....I guess.

Then one day, while I was scrubbing the floor, I saw something red coloured under her bed, I was pretty suspicious so I slightly pushed up the bedsheet and peaked under the bed.
The image left me horrified........
There under the damn bed layed a motionless figure of a man in his fifties with blueish-grey hair and blood stained all over his body.

I covered my mouth and I stammered a little back. I..... Didn't know what to do. My mind went berserk.


I mentally cheered for myself being right but then the thought hit me....
Beena and Nicolas...

I dashed in the direction of the little cottage, pushing past anything and everything.
My mind was clouded with negative thoughts and ideas.

What if she got them?
How could I not find out sooner?
I slammed open the door of the hut-like-cottage, making my siblings jump.

"Hey what's the big idea of scaring us like that?" Nicolas shot with a frown.
"I don't have time for this. Nicolas, Beena get up we're leaving." I hurried the twins.
"Why (Y/N)-nee? What's wrong?" Beena asked, her big blue orbs staring directly in my (e/c) eyes.

I shook my head," We don't have t-."
My sentence went incomplete as I felt an immense pain at the back of my head.
I fell on my knees clutching my head as heaps of crimson red blood began pouring out of my injury.

I weakly turned around and saw a very angry looking 'mistress Camila', holding an iron rod in one hand.

Her face was flushed red indicating she was drunk and furious.

The woman let go of the rod and pulled on my hair. I muffled a agonizing scream as my injury hurt like hell.

"Why you little brat. Who told you to go snooping around in my room." She ragged, punching my face.

"I.....I'm sorry.......mistress." I managed to say. I so wanted to break the damn woman's face but I restraint myself. I needed her assistance.

A psychotic smile inched it's way on the woman's flushed face," I won't forgive you that easily."

With that she dragged me inside her house by my hair, I kicked and protested but I couldn't do much. The twins ran in my direction, trying to free me out of the woman's grasp.

But I couldn't let them get hurt, so I shouted," NO STAY THERE. DON'T COME NEAR. PLEASE NICK, BEE."

Nicolas's eyes widened, it's been a while since I used his nickname, I only used it when shit gets real. So the boy pulled back his screaming kicking sister inside the small hat.

A small, sad smile settled on my (s/c) face," thank you Nicolas."

I felt my eyelids getting heavy, my body wasn't able to cope with the pain, I felt so ..........cold.
Just then I heard a scream and the woman let go of my hair. She stammered back clutching her right hand which was red and burnt.

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