Chapter 5: That's How i HELL came to Nanba.

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Y/N's Pov

I felt so light and numb as I floated in the darkness. I was at total peace with my mind.
No thoughts. No questions. No worries. All was just a blank.


"Hey is she dead." A voice said.
Huh boy I wish I was.
"Do you think she'll make it?"
Nah I don't think so, damn that bullet hit a vital spot.
"Hold on, she's breathing."
Oh nonononono
"Hurry she's gonna be okay."
"She's gonna be fine now. She just needs rest."

"Umm miss?" Another voice said.
I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was a little blurry. But when my vision finally cleared up, I found out I was in a cell.

There was a boy in front of me, about my own age, with messy brown hair and emerald green eyes.
I looked down at my hands. They were cuffed. They weren't the cuffs that Camila put on me.
No... They were different. Silver and they were broken. They're chains weren't attached to anything. Just cuffs dangling from my hands.

"Um miss?" The brown haired boy said again

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"Um miss?" The brown haired boy said again.
I shot him an annoyed look," WHAT?"
He whimpered and backed away a little," um i-i just wanted to say t-that we'll be sending you to Nanba."

"Nanba?" I tilted my head in confusion.
"Y-yes it's the most high-tech prison. And also the closest one from here." The boy answered.

"WHAT PRISON?" I was shocked.
"Y-yes prison."
"BUT WHY I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING." I protested but the boy didn't answer.

"Um I'll get you some new clothes to wear." He rushed out of my sight.

I looked down and boy was I a mess. My clothes were ripped and burnt from several parts. Exposing a lot of bruised and injured skin. A clean white bandage was wrapped around my torso.
Ouch. That hurts.
I gripped the cell's bars, trying to steady myself. The pain just dawned on me.
What the hell happened?

I remembered there was all these men. And the elf guy and the bullet. And ...........
Beena, Nicolas.

I gripped the metal bars tightly," LISTEN TO ME. IS SOMEONE THERE? HEY ???? WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY SIBLINGS????"

"Hey what's the commotion about ?" I felt someone coming towards my cell.

"What do you want?" A man said giving me an annoyed look. He had sleek black hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"What? What are you talking about ?" He asked, confused.
"They were there when I was attacked and then there were these men and..." I gripped my head, trying to organise my thoughts. Everything was so jumbled up, I couldn't make sense of what was what.

"Tch listen here you brat." The man grinned my collar, pulling me closer. I could feel his breath against my ear.
He whispered in my ear," Do you know why you're here?"

I shook my head.
He went on," you killed thirty innocent men."
There was nothing 'innocent' about them.
"You know they had families. They had a life. And you took it from them."
I was shocked.
" It's a shame they're not executing you. You deserve way worse then just rotting in prison."
"What are you saying? I didn't do anything." I defended myself.
The man threw me on the floor harshly," huh that's what they always say."

Beena, Nicolas I'm sooo sorry.

Nobody's pov
Location: Nanba prison.

The warden sat at her desk, looking as serious as ever on the outside but on the inside was a different story.

"So, she'll be coming here today?" She asked Saitama's long lost brother.
(Lol comment if you got that reference)

Hajime nodded," yes ma'am. She'll be here in two hours."
"Great put her in cell thirteen." The warden said.
Hajime was surprised," May I ask why in cell thirteen? I have a lot of other cells with fewer inmates. And cell thirteen is already full."
The warden sternly replied," I have my reasons."

"With all due respect warden. She's a girl and well.......... The inmates will be surprised to see her."
The warden waved her hand," we'll figure something out. First I'll need to ask her some questions."

(Timeskip brought to you by Uno x Jyugo ship, which unfortunately isn't a part of this fanfiction 😥😥)

Still nobody's pov

(Y/N) was quiet which was so unlike her. The guards escorting her were very suspicious of her and were on their 'guard'. (Lol get it......... I'll see myself out)

"You must me (Y/N) (L/N)." A woman with blue hair asked the girl who remained silent. There were a lot of people in the room.

"Hey answer the warden." A monkey-like man said.
"Its all right Samon." The warden turned to the girl," is it true that you killed those thirty men."

(Y/N) clenched her fist," no..... No I didn't do it. I JUST WANT TO FIND MY TWIN SIBLINGS. PLEASE HELP ME. YOU HAVE TO SAVE THEM"

"What? What are you say-." A pheasant-like man asked but the warden stepped in
"It's fine. Everyone I'll need you to step outside, I have to talk to her in private."

"Huh warden is that safe." "Yes ma'am what if she trys something." " You can't trust her."

The warden shot them an intimidating look," it's fine. Please step outside."

Everyone was a little hesitant but obeyed anyways.
"Please go on." The woman motioned for (Y/N) to start talking.

(Y/N) didn't understand what was going on but she found herself telling the woman everything. From her horrible experiments to her escape, about Camila. She admitted her murder. How the men attacked her. She told the warden about her powers.

The warden just sat back and listened. After (Y/N) was done , the warden spoke," that's very ................... hard to believe."

" I don't care if you keep me here. Kill me or imprison me. But please help my siblings. I have a feeling they took them back to the experimental centre."

" If there are people doing illegal experiments, then they must be caught immediately..... But with the limited information we've got, it will be hard to find any clues. But believe me we'll try our very best. In the meantime, please co-operate with us, it's likely that they've tricked you,but unfortunately without any evidence of your innocence, we can't free you."

"Please just find them." The (h/c) haired girl looked down.
"We'll try our very best." The warden said," now can I ask you for a favour."

He motioned for Saitama's long lost brother to come in," you'll need to have a disguise."

Hey, hope you enjoyed the chapter 😊😊. Pls vote and comment if you did.

And a special thanks to Nightassasine she helped me figure things out for this chapter and she's just super supportive and awesome. Pls also check out her Unoxreader fanfiction. It's amazing believe me.

I'll see next time...

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