i feel so foolish, i never noticed

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As much as she is dreading having to pretend like everything is normal and hide her now incredibly prevalent feelings, time still manages to drag on, and she feels like the day of the party will never arrive. Though Gloria would assume it would be upon her too quickly, since she was dreading it, she supposes she's more excited about getting to see Hop and hearing his big news than she is worried about anything. Seriously, her feelings are entirely out of control.

She has a feeling she knows what the news might be about, if all the recent talk of his success is anything to go off of. He's around the same age as Sonia was when she finally began working on her own, so this might be a graduation party of sorts, though Gloria isn't sure what Hop will be doing after he "graduates." Likely still working out of Sonia's lab for some time, but as more of a partner than an assistant, or perhaps he'll begin putting in the work to open his own research lab somewhere else.

Perhaps in Wyndon...

Gloria quickly shakes her head to banish that thought. Yes, it would be nice to live even closer to Hop, not that their busy schedules would probably allow for much more time than they can manage now, but she knows better than to let her mind wander in that direction. No matter what he does, she needs to think of it as completely separate from her and her feelings, and just be happy for him.

She wonders if she should bring a gift, but since he never mentioned that on the phone and Sonia didn't mention it in the invitation, she decides against it. Perhaps later on, after his announcement is properly made, she'll get him something to congratulate him that she can give him the next time they see each other. Which will be completely platonic, with absolutely no strings or expectations attached, because Hop is her best friend, and nothing is going to change that.


The crowd at the party is similar to that of the wedding, with a few less notable gym leaders and none of the relatives and friends that Gloria had no idea who they were. At the very least, the crowd at the party that she ends up hanging out with is the same as who she spent the wedding reception with, though Hop is already so busy talking to people she doesn't recognize from the get-go that he doesn't even notice when she comes in. She is both disappointed and relieved, and it isn't long before both Marnie and Bede end up at her side.

There isn't nearly as much to get caught up on, since they all saw each other pretty recently, so they just make idle conversation, waiting for something to happen. Gloria isn't sure if she wants Hop to notice her and come talk to her, or if it's better to just watch him from a distance, but she definitely can't stop watching him. Though she tries to remain focused on the conversation at hand, she finds her gaze drifting to him over and over again, and a few times, Marnie catches her eye when she looks back, and she knows that she knows .

But then Hop does notice her, waving her over to where he stands with Sonia. Gloria hesitates for a moment, before saying, "Um, I'm gonna..."

"Go talk to him already," Marnie urges, and Gloria nods. She shouldn't have to force her legs to move, she shouldn't feel so weak as she steps forward. It's just Hop , but he grins at her as she crosses the room and she feels like her legs might give out on her at any moment.

"I'm so glad you're here! Didn't see you come in, or I would have come right over!" he says. "Listen, I've got something big, I wanted you to know that I'm-"

A hand claps down on his shoulder, and Gloria looks over to see who has just interrupted their conversation. "You weren't even gonna say hi to your own brother?" asks Leon, and Hop turns around to face him.

"I didn't know you were here! Maybe if you'd bothered to show up on time, Lee," he scolds, and Leon gives him a sheepish smile.

"Well, I had a little trouble finding the address..."

"You've been here like a million times!"

Beside her, Sonia laughs and says, "They really never change, no matter how much they grow up. But Hop's really gonna make something of himself. I'm so excited for him!"

Gloria considers asking her what his announcement is, considering he was just about to tell her ahead of time, but decides to let it be Hop's news. However, Leon soon dominates all of his attention, and she cuts in to tell him that she's going to go back to Bede and Marnie, and that they can talk later. As it is, Leon takes up so much of his time that Sonia is soon dragging Hop away before getting everyone's attention.

"Alright, everyone!" she calls. "I'm sure you've all figured out that this little get together was to congratulate Hop and celebrate him stepping into the role of a Pokemon professor!" She starts applauding, and soon everyone in the room has followed suit. Once the crowd has simmered down again, she continues, "But that isn't all! Our new Professor Hop has an announcement of his own to make!"

"Aw, Sonia, it's really not all the grand," he says, seeming a little flustered to have all the attention suddenly on him, despite this being his thing. Gloria feels a tug in her chest, seeing her childhood friend with everyone in the room waiting for his announcement, everyone in the room here to celebrate him following his dreams. She is proud of him and strangely jealous of everyone who gets to share in this moment, though she knows that feeling is irrational.

"Don't try playing all modest! You're the one who wanted to tell everyone like this!" Sonia replies, and he gives her a guilty grin, before turning back to the crowd.

"A research project I've been trying to get off the ground got picked up by a group in the Unova region! So, pretty soon, I'm going to head out there to get started!" says Hop, and it takes a moment for the news to really sink in. "I'll be there for about two months, if everything goes to plan."

Two months...

Hop has family in Unova, she knows that. He's got this bigshot cousin, and his family has gone on several vacations to visit in the time that she's known him. It's far away, but it won't be entirely unfamiliar to him, and if it's to help him break into his career, it's going to be a great opportunity for him. She knows all of that, and as she watches his family immediately rush over to talk to him, she tells herself that she should be up there too, congratulating her best friend and getting more details.

But instead, all she can think about is that Hop will be leaving the region for two months at minimum, and she won't be able to see him at all during that time.

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