now that we know it, let's really show it

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"What are you talking about?" Gloria asks, once she has managed to process what Leon has said to her. Take a vacation? With him? She has no idea what he's trying to say, and immediately wonders if this is another means of messing with her.

Though she did inform her mother, Sonia, Marnie, and even Bede- who pretended not to care a bit- about what happened when she finally got to talk to Hop, she decided to let Hop talk to Leon, not just because they were family, but because she was still fairly put out, and didn't care if he ended up having to hear about it from an article or something. Since he claims to be subscribed to both of their names, he would hear about it quickly either way, but now she wonders if he is trying to get back at her for not calling him by teasing her once again.

"I get to travel whenever I want now, really, I just don't do it nearly as often as I should," he says. "When you're champion, you don't get the luxury of just running off on vacation, but when you have the chance, you really should take it. I know you haven't done much traveling recently, or even since you beat me all those years ago, so don't you think it's time?"

"Leon, what are you getting at?"

"I thought you would have that part worked out by now, Gloria. See, I have two tickets for a flight that leaves in a couple days, and I am at a loss as to who to bring with me," he says. "Everyone I can think of is too busy. I mean, Sonia might be able to justify it, especially if it's too check up on him, but I don't know if I should drag her away from her work like that. Or if she would want to go on a trip with me to begin with."

Unova. Leon is going out there to visit Hop, and he has called her to ask if she wants to go with him. He may be teasing her in the way that he asks, but she doesn't think he would be cruel enough to tease her with the suggestion if it weren't genuine. And it is true that she could use some time off, that she never takes the time to travel even though she sometimes has good chances to, and that she has even considered going to visit Hop, but decided against it. He told her one night that she shouldn't let her focus slip during battles because she was thinking too much about him, that they should both put their work first right now, and that they would see each other soon enough.

She knew even then that what he really meant was that she distracted him so much that working was hard for him , and that it had nothing to do with taking time off, but she still worried enough to decide not to go. But now she's being presented with a trip, with the tickets already paid for, and it would be rude to turn him down...

"I even have lodging taken care of. I've got two hotel rooms booked, which might be a little excessive, I admit. I mean, I can probably stay with my family, so we might only need one," he says. "Not that I think my family would turn you away, it's just, you and Hop might need-"

"Stop!" she interrupts, feeling her face heat up at his words. "Don't talk about your baby brother like that!"

"Like what?" he asks, trying to sound innocent. "I just meant you might want to go somewhere else in case you wanted some time away from family. What are you talking about doing with my baby brother?"

Gloria groans, ready to tell him off, but she decides to refrain, not only because he is being nice enough to invite her along, but because she has not even taken the time to say that she wants to go. Obviously, she does, and she's sure that she will be able to get away for at least a little while. Her schedule isn't so full that she can't move things around, and for Hop, that will be worth it.

"You've got a couple days to pack," Leon continues, not giving her a chance to answer, perhaps deciding that he's flustered her too much for her to speak. He makes the decision for her, not leaving her the option to stay home. "I'll send you all the information. You can thank me later!"

But before he hangs up, she does manage a quick, "Thank you."


The worst part of the trip is having to sit next to Leon for so long, who refuses to let her tune out when he tries to talk to her. He was gracious enough to give his ticket to her instead of someone else, he reminds her, so the least she could do is talk to him and help keep him entertained.

"I thought you said everyone else is busy," she says with a wave of her hand. "You could have at least tried asking Sonia."

"What, so I could listen to her gush about getting to see my brother?" He laughs and shakes his head. "I think I could do without that. Come on, you know that was never an option, I always planned for it to be you."

She wonders what the look on his face when she mentions a vacation with Sonia means, but decides to think about that one later. Perhaps a conversation with Sonia herself is in order before she actually tries to figure it out, but she hopes that this might give her an edge over Leon someday, to get back at him for all the relentless teasing her confession to Hop has earned her.

"You didn't have to do that for me," she replies.

"Well, you gave him quite the send-off, didn't you? It seems a little cruel to both of you to just leave that hanging until he can come back home. Besides, it's been a while since I've seen Iris. I'm dying to see who's the strongest between the two of us now," he says. He tries to ask her questions about Hop, teasing her with things like, "When did you know you loved him?" or "What is it about him that you like so much?" but Gloria refuses to answer those questions, causing Leon to whine every time.

Hop has no idea that she's coming. Though it has been hard keeping it a secret from him when they still talk often and she's been so excited, Leon suggested it, and she agreed that it could be fun to surprise him. He is aware that Leon is visiting, and he and their cousin Iris should be waiting for them at the airport.

Gloria is nervous and impatient, wondering what Hop's reaction will be when she gets there, and wondering how she should act around him now. So much has changed between them since the last time they saw each other in person, and though she knows it is silly to be nervous about seeing Hop , she is also going to see her boyfriend for the first time, and that is something entirely different.

Even after they land, it feels like an eternity before they can get to where the two are waiting for them. Standing next to a young woman who bears a striking resemblance to him and his brother is Hop, grinning and waving at Leon. That is, until his eyes land on Gloria, and his mouth falls open in shock.

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