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//Murdoc Pov\\

I shot up in a cold sweat, noticing the slight weight around my waist. Stuart must have wrapped his arms around me in his sleep. Cute.

*Wait...What am I thinking*

I carefully unwrapped his arms and got up, moving the cover back over him. I left the room quietly and the smell of toast and something else I couldn't seem to figure out, hit my nose.

"Mornin kid", Russell's deep voice called from the kitchen. "How's the blue one?"

I sat at the kitchen table and rested my head in my hands, "He's still asleep"

"Well breakfast is almost done, why don't you go wake 'im up? Hope ya like bacon n toast"

I nodded with a smile and headed back to the room. Stuart was still sound asleep,l and I almost didn't want to wake him because of how peaceful he looked. I sat next to him and gently shook his shoulder, "Hey, D, Wake up", I whispered as he stretched out, noticing the bandages around his body.

"W-where are we?!", he quickly sat up,l alarmed.

"Don't move so much, you might re-open a wound. Russel found us on the streets last night, he's lettin us stay 'ere for a while"

He looked at me unsure, "It's aright, we're in safe hands. Now c'mon, he's made breakfast". I helped him up and helped him get his top on too. After getting a nod of consent first though. I held onto his hand and guided him to the kitchen.

"Jus in time, breakfast's ready. How're your wounds?", Russel asked politely as he placed our food on the table. Stuart looked down, hesitant to speak. "Don' worry, I'm 'ere to help. But I do need more information bout you both n what happened"

He nodded slightly and sat down beside me. I explained everything from the very beginning up until now. Stuart had piped in here and there to add some things from his side as well.

"I'm guessin you won't be goin back anytime soon then ey? I'm sorry yall lived like that, especially at your age"

We had all finished our breakfast by now and I was helping Russel wash the dishes. I don't usually do this kind of stuff but, I really trusted him for some reason and felt the need to pay him back in some way.

"We can't go back, we'll get killed. I just have to figure out what to do from now", I sighed, looking towards Stuart who had his head in his arms on the table.

"Ye know what?", he spoke up, turning to the both of us and wiping his hands dry.

"I can't let you kids go back to such a harmful place. So, why don' you stay here n help me out in the record shop?", he smiled widely.

"You'd really let us?", I asked.

"A record shop?", D spoke over me.

"Yeah, I work in the record shop downstairs"

"Yew work ina record shop? That's downstairs?!", I forgot Stuart was passed out when we got here yesterday, so he didn't see what the building looked like from the outside. He had this sort of glow to him and seemed really invested in the change of subject. Maybe he liked music.

"Can I see it? Can I?", he pleaded.

I was glad he was cheering up a bit, and seeing his front two, missing teeth as he smiled made my heart flutter a bit. This dullard was really making me feel shit I didn't understand until now.

"Of corse kid, gotta open up in 5 anyway", he chuckled, "Ill find some old clothes of mine, see if yall fit in 'em"

"Thanks mate"

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