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//Murdoc pov\\
"STUART!", I screamed, tears pouring from my eyes as I tried to get out the coppers arms.

"Get back kid, he'll be okay", he ordered but I could hear how unsure he was in his voice.

*My crush just got stabbed and they're telling me I can't go to him? No fucking way*

"LET ME GO TO HIM YOU FUCKING PRICK!!", he sighed, giving up and letting me go.

I sprinted to Stu's side in the ambulance, headed to the hospital with him. There were four nurses in there, two of them were trying to keep Stu alive and the other two were cleaning up my wounds and doing what they could with my broken nose for now. My supervisor followed in his car and I think Stuart's went back with the cops and both our parents. I knew his parents were bad but... I didn't think they'd take it this far. If I had known that, I wouldn't have made him do any of that shit.


I tried to look away as the doctors used the defibrillators on him, I couldn't even block out the noise as it carried on all the way there.

*Please don't die on me Stu. You can't. Not now*

Tears were falling down my face as I held my hands over my ears, squeezing my eyes shut.

They immediately called for emergency when we got there and more doctors came rushing out to help. I tried going with him, but my SV and another doctor held me back. Telling me to be quite cause I was making a scene and disturbing everyone. I stopped thrashing around and sat down, not giving a shit who I bothered or if anyone looked at me. He could be dying for all I know and I have to wait here and do nothing. I rested my elbows on my knees and covered my face in my hands, trying to keep my sobs down.

The waiting room became less crowded as the hours slowly went by. It was probably 3 hours or so that Stuart was rushed away, I was tired but I couldn't nap or even close my eyes for a second for that. I was too worried about him, my mind thinking of nothing but the worse. "Excuse me, are you Murdoc Niccals?", someone asked, catching my attention immediately and a shot up.

"Yes that's me"

"Stuart's still asleep from the meds but should be awake by tomorrow. Luckily the knife didn't go too deep so there was no crucial damage done. He's all stitched up and should heal within 10 days but we advise you too keep an eye it him at all times and clean it twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Would you like to go see sir?"

"Yes! Thank you so much doc", I followed him to Stuart's room, my SV following behind me.

My heart broke seeing him in that hospital bed. Tubes from his nose and arms. I never wanted to see him like that again. Hopefully he does wake up tomorrow, we can finally get out of this dammed city. I rushed to his side, making sure not to touch any of the tubes and held his hand. Tears filling my eyes and the doctor left to give us privacy after  giving my SV some papers.

"I know you want to stay with your friend, but we have to go", he spoke up.

"What? Why?", I frowned, looking over to him. He was still stood by the door.

"The police want to talk to you and know what's happened"

"Cant they wait til Stu out the hospital first?", I spat.

"They want everyones sides of the story"

"For fucks sake", I muttered and looked down to Stuart.

*Please wake up soon Stu... I need you*

I rested his hand to his side and didn't let my eyes off him until I stepped out of the room. My SV driving us to the police station. They put me in the questioning room and the some cops and some investigators came in, asking me what happened at home and what happened to Stuart. They also talked about what will happen next. Aka, Russel adopting us and our parents getting imprisoned for 15 years.

I told them everything from when we first got back to this city, to now. How our parents would abuse us in any way they could when our supervisors weren't around or paying attention. I still had a few marks here and there from when they had snuck a hit on me, let alone the new black eye and broken nose from my father earlier, so I showed them. I also managed to catch them a couple times on video and showed it to them. In the first video dad putting out his cigarette bud on my arm and strangled me after. The second video was my mom yelling and shoving me into a wall by my hair. I had a couple photos of Stu's bruises from his parents too but they couldn't believe it until they got proof from Stuart himself. But they fully believed my story now and were getting on the case as soon as possible.

It was getting late now, visiting hours at the hospital we're over, I wasn't allowed back home even if my parents were locked away for now. Couldn't see Russel, couldn't even contact him cause my SV took my phone away. So we stayed in a hotel for the night. He payed for 2 nights just to be sure.

When we got to our hotel, I immediately showered and went to bed, my SV was already passed out by the time I finished showering, but I couldn't sleep, I was too worried about Stu. A thought popped in my head and I looked to the clock on the wall. It was only 10pm, surely Russel could still be awake?

I slipped out of my bed and tiptoed to the chair beside my SV's bed, going through his pockets to find my phone. I put my stripy jumper on, that now had a bit of stained blood on but whatever, and sat out on the balcony, closing the door behind me so I wouldn't wake him up.

I called Russel.

"You han't called me all day Mudz, you aight? What're doin up so late anyways?", he asked groggily.

"Sorry mate, did I wake you up?", I asked, feeling jsut a little bit bad. Not really, this was important, I had to tell him everything.

"Is arigh don worry bout it. Whad up?"

"... Stuarts in the hospital. I'm at a hotel with my SV but he wouldn't let me contact you so I gotta be quite"

"WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?!", now he was fully awake.

"His mom stabbed 'im, guess she finally cracked. The knife din't go far tho so he's alive"

"Oh thank god, an are you okay?", he asked calmly.

"Nothing I haven't had before, just a broken nose, cigarette burns and bruises, I'm fine tho... Just worried about Stu", I looked up to the night sky, no stars where out, just pure emptiness.

Russel let out a sigh.

"I told the cops everyfin but they wouldn't believe Stuart's side unless he told it himself. So we're going back tomorrow, if he's awake"

"Did they believe you this time? N what about your parents?"

"Yeah I managed to get videos n showed them, plus they were there for the broken nose. And for our parents, they're locked up for now"

"Thas good. Well get some rest kid, another big day tomorrow n then it'll all be over wiv"

"Yeah, I'll keep you posted if I can, night Russ"

"Sleep well kid", I ended the call and quietly went back inside. I snuck my phone back into his coat pocket and was finally able to sleep.

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