Ink x short reader

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This was requested by DepressedArtist2023 hope you like it. Short squad where you at?

Third person

You we're sitting alone in the void. Scared. Lost. Sad. Confused. Why were you here? Is this a bad dream? A nightmare?

You wanted to scream and cry. You tried screaming for help.....but nobody came.

You fell down on your knees as tears we down your cheeks. You hugged yourself and started crying silently to yourself.

You don't know how long you were crying but a pare of brown shoes stopped in front of you. You flinched and went backwards and you stared upwards at the new person.

Wait a second.....this new person wasn't even human. It was a skeleton and surly skeletons are bines from people right? Is this some dead persons skeleton?

You stared fearfully at the skeleton nit knowing if he'll kill you. "Pl-please don't kill me" you whimpered

The skeleton stopped in front of you "why would I hurt you?" They said. It sounded like a male so now you know what gender it was and it looks slime he was holding a giant paintbrush and had blank ink in the side of his cheek?

"Th-then why are you here?" She asked him as she hasn't gotten off the ground yet. "I heard crying so I came to check it out. And then I saw you, so you must be new to the void and you're probably scared and confused. I don't blame you, when I first came to the multiverse I was also scared and lonely" he said with a small smile as he sat in front of you.

"By the way, my names ink! What's yours?" He asked with a bright smile. Thus caught you off guard, he seemed.....friendly and kind. You looked at him as you became less scared and more calm "my name is (y/n)" you said with a smile.

Present time

Your pov

That was years ago and I'm glad that me and ink are close friends even though he makes fun if my height. You see, I'm quite short for my age, maybe shorter than ink and he's known to be short.

I sighed and smiled a bit as I was finishing my drawing that Ink has gave me since there isn't much anything to do here. Right when I finished my drawing a portal appeared in front of me and know exactly who it was.

I smiled brightly when I saw Ink walking out of the portal with him holding onto his paintbrush. I quickly stood up and ran towards him "ink~!" I yelled out as I hugged him around the waist and smiled brightly up at him. Ink smiled and laughed as he pat my head and the portal behind him disappeared, "well aren't you excited to see me shorty" he said with a grin as he called me that word.

Don't get me wrong, I like ink a lot! Its gets annoying sometimes when he calls me short 24/7(short people will surely understand the pain) and he isn't even that much taller than me! I pulled away from the hug and glared at him, Well tried too, and all he did was laugh "you look like an adorable chipmunk that's trying to look fierce" he said with a shit eating grin.

Wait a minute. Did he just? Did he just call me adorable? I couldn't help but blush at that. Of course he had said some other things rhs made me bluch but those were out of embarrassment or anger.

He stopped laughing as he saw the blush on my cheeks "hey, what's wrong? Got embarrassed again? Angered? Haha" he chuckled when he was finished as I looked up at him and shook my head with a small laugh "it's nothing ink" and said as went to joke about stuff and him telling me stories about the multiverse.

Time skip

Today's the day. Today is the day that I confess to ink. I'm really nervous and I hope that this doesn't ruin our friendship at all.

"(Y/n)! I'm back!" I heard ink yell as he got back from fighting error. I didn't know that he'll be back so soon! I'm not ready!! My blush worsened as I didn't know what to say.

"(Y/n)? Are you trying to ambush me again?" He called out to me once more. I shook my head and out a determined face on, I have to tell him now and I can't get nervous. I turned around and walked up to him as my hands started to shake "u-um i-ink" curse myself for stuttering. He looked down at me and tilted his head a bit "yeah (y/n)?" He asked as I took a breath and looked up at him "I like you okay!? I really, really like you! A-and I'm tired of keeping it a secret!" I yelled out. I said it. Its now off my chest and I feel like that the weight on my shoulders disappeared.

But, I didn't hear anything. I looked up and he wasn't smiling. I messed up. I completely messed up. "You do realize that I can't really feel any emotions and that I don't have a soul right? I can't really love you back right?" He said with a nervous smile.

My world shattered. What he said hurt. I know that he doesn't have a soul and that he uses those vials to actually have feelings. I couldn't stop the tears from coming, I tried holding them in by they kept on coming and coming like a waterfall. "I-it's okay. I-i'll just g-go and finish m-my drawing" I said shakily as I turned around and walked over to my drawing and sat down, my back facing him, 'I can't face him after that. I just can't' I thought to myself as I looked down "well, I'm going to check up in underswap alright?" He said but I didn't answer, I just looked at my paper with dull eyes. I heard a hum as he opened up a portal and went through it as it closed right behind him.

I'm gonna be making a part two soon since I don't want this to be too long. So this request will have a part two later today and I hope that you like part one.

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