Ink sans x reader part 2

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This is part two of the original Ink sans x short reader. I'm sorry if this won't be just as long as the last one.

Third person POV

After what had happened between you and ink, things got awkward and quiet. You wouldn't look at him or talk to him, you actually pretended that he wasn't even there! Of course this made Ink rather, annoyed. It wasn't his fault that he can't feel feelings and that he was born without a soul.

He did like you, but, he didn't want to hurt you and it bothered him that he can't love, or feel happiness, or sadness, disgust, anger or any normal emotions without having to use his vails to actually feel anything.

Seeing that you were ignoring him was quite annoying but he knows that you needed some space. He used the time to check on AUs, talk to Dream and Blue, fight Error and work on drawings or any new ideas for another AU. Whatever to get his mind off of the situation and the he won't feel that guilty, no matter hoe much he denied the fact that his guilt was growing more and more.

Your POV

I feel bad for ignoring ink, I really do, but I just can't face him after what had happened. I understand that he can't feel any emotion without his vials but I still like him for who and what he is!

Sighed as I saw him come back after another round on checking the AUs. He's been doing this so many times that I lost count. He's especially doing this after the incident and I can tell he doesn't want to bother me or anything.

I feel horrible. I can't believe I'm being so stubborn about this and thstbi haven't talked to my best friend for a couple if weeks because of this. I suddenly felt a presence behind me and of course I knew it was ink. How? Well, obviously because he smells like paint of course.

I tried ignoring him, 'curse my stubbornness!' I yelled at myself as I worked on another drawing if mine. "Hey, (y/n). I...I like your drawing" he said I can tell that he was nervous to talk to me after so long. Of course I couldn't ignore him anymore, "thanks" it was short and I know that it came out as cold but I didn't mean it to be!

Short people do have a short temper. Ink told me that a couple of weeks after we had met and I was still getting used to him and this whole void thing. Him as his stupid short jokes. I saw him sit right next me out of the corner of my eye and of course I didn't mind one bit. I actually smiled at that since I miss his company a lot and I was glad he was sitting right next to me.

"I'm....sorry", now this caught me off guard. Ink never apologies about anything! Well I guess the things hat he did weren't rude or bad I could say. I looked at him with wide eyes "i-it's okay ink" I tried to reassure him, still not knowing what else to say or do.

"No, it's not. I shouldn't have said that to you. Its true that I don't have a soul and I can't feel without these vials but i shouldn't have hurt you" he said as he looked down at his lap. He really does feel bad and I made it worse by ignoring him. "When you first started giving me the silent treatment I thought that it was fair and you needed time. But, as well ime sent by i felt more guilty and I couldn't stand it anymore. I...I do love you (y/n)! I really do! I just didn't want you to get sick of me of not being normal" he aid as he clenched his boney hands.

I scoot close to him as I gave him a hug. I was really happy that he loves me back but right now, he needs some hugs at the moment. "It's okay ink. Please don't be so hard on yourself" I said as I helped him up so we won't be sitting on the ground for so long.

He looked at me and chuckled "I forgot how short you are" he said with a laugh. Thanks for ruining the mood man. "I'm not that short! And you aren't any taller than I am. Your like an inch or two taller than me!" I yelled as I pout at him and all he did was laugh "short people really do have a short temper" he said as he ruffled my hair. My eyes narrowed and I crossed my arms and looked away but he pulled me in a hug and rubbed my head "your shortness is one if the very few things that makes you adorable anyways" he said with a smile. He really is a huge dork. But he's my cute dork.

Welp, that's part two! Hope you guys like it and I'm sorry if it's a bit short. If you have anymore requests, go to the request page and don't forget to tell your friends about this book everyone. Now, have a wonderful night/day my amazing midnight crew!

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