naj Dust x reader

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Naj Dust x Reader:the glasses

Those glasses. Those darn cute red glasses.

He never takes them off and he never let's anyone touch them or borrow them for some odd reason.

You never know why. Maybe his eye sight was that terrible? Maybe he's afraid that someone will break them? But that doesn't explain why HE never takes them off.

You just had to fine out. Good thing that you know swapfell and a few other jocks and nerds who will gladly help you.

*time skip*

"Sorry sweet cheeks but I can't tell you" So much for swapfell's help...

"Why not?" You asked, not really knowing the reason on why he wouldn't tell you. Has he seen Dust not wearing his glasses before? Surely it couldn't be that bad.

"Let's just say that he's a whole different person" Was all he said before putting his hands on his hips with a smirk "if you'll excuse me, I have a date in the locker room" Was what he said before walking off in a different direction.

A whole different person? Did he feel somewhat confident without wearing his glasses? Well, time to ask someone else.

"Dust who?"
"Sorry but I don't know the answer"
"He freaks out if I'm one inch away from his glasses"
"Sorry but I can't tell you"

No one will give you a specific answer. Everyone will either not tell you or they don't know the answer as well.

You sighed in defeat and decided to sit next to your friends, Cil(auto corrected to college lol) and quill. They both looked at each other then at you, "what was with the sad sigh?" Quill asked since he didn't know what had happened.

You simply rest your cheeks on your hands and mumbled "no one will tell me the reason why dust never takes off his glasses or why he won't let anyone touch them".

Cil simply laughed as he got an odd look from you and his boyfriend "well I heard that he really is a different person. With his glass on he's really shy and timid but when they're off he's bold and mean. Like a split personality kind of" He explained to you.

You suddenly stood up which startled the too and your eyes sparkled with a bright smile and looked at cil "finally someone told me a good reason! Thank you so much cil" You said happily before running off and the two simply shrugged with a small smile.

*time skip*

You were waiting in the hallway for dust to confront him a about the glasses but you soon started getting a little nervous.

What if his other half hates you? What if he doesn't want to be your friend anymore? What if his other half actually figures out about your feelings and makes fun of you because of them? Thought after thought after thought. Your brain just loves to make you worry doesn't it?

You finally see him walking down the hallway wearing those GLASSES and a shy smile plastered on his face.

You took a deep breath to calm down and walked over to him "hi dust! Is it okay if we talk for a minute" You asked him with a nervous smile.

He looked up at you with a confused expression before nodding his head as you two walked to somewhere more private. You turned to look at him as your facial expression turned serious "I wanted to talk about those glasses of yours" Well he wasn't expecting that at all.

His eyes widened and his hands start to fidget and sweat. He didn't know what to even say! He didn't want you to see the other side of him, the rude him, the one who's the absolute worst!

You gently put his hands in yours and gave him a smile "I found out about your other half and I don't think that there's anything wrong!" She tried telling him but she was getting even more nervous "he really does seem very opposite from you and it was a bit shocking when I found out".

He didn't know what to say. You are his crush and he did not expect you to not care about his other half! You said it so kindly as well.

" I-i..." He really didn't know what to say. His stupid shy personality won't let him confess or talk properly but his other half will just scare you away so it's a lose lose situation.

"I-i'm sorry (y/n) b-but I can't let you" Was all he said before running off.

What just happened? Did you say something wrong? Was talking about his glasses a bad topic? You felt so bad and yet so sad at the same time.

You didn't know what to feel but absolute guilt for talking about his glasses, a sensitive topic for him to talk about. It sounded like he really didn't want to talk about his other half at all.

You looked down as the final bell rang and you decided to go home. Missing last period was a waste and you'll have to lie saying that you were at the nurses office. You shook your head and started heading home as the encounter with dust never left your side at all.

Stay tuned for part two!

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