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lowercase intended.

"...what're you staring at?"


"...were you.... admiring the.... the moon...?"


"you were ....weren't you!"

"..tch, so.... its not that big of a deal..."

"....it truly is beautiful isn't it..."

"... what's with you and the moon?"

"... i just think that the moon is beautiful..."

"why do you mention it every single night?"

"because the moon.... it only comes out at night.."

"yeah? and the sun only comes out at day, idiot..."

"..not many people... they don't see the moon."


"beep! beep!"



the [hair color] haired female was having those day dreams again. the thing that woke her up this time was the reminder on her phone. if it wasn't for the phone, a fire would've woken her up.

it was the morning and she was getting prepared for the day. after she made her pancakes, dressed up, and packed her business suitcase, she grabbed her shoes and headed for the door.


"[last name]!"

"miss [last name]!"

"here we are at the CEO of kuroh Inc.! the daughter of the two pro heroes Fire Fist and Mr. Prediction, [name] [last name]!"

"they found my house already?" she thought to herself.

her hand was on the front door's doorknob but she was afraid to open it. reporters would constantly ask her questions and follow her around.

that's apart of why she likes the night. people were to busy sleeping and resting to bother her.

"huh... 'not many people see the moon'....." she thought too herself as she hoped that the reporters would go away. 'spoiler alert': they didn't.

she waited for 10 minutes. she was tired and ready to just hurry to work until she heard a familiar voice.

"hey, i think that we all know that [name] would prefer to be left alone to work."

"we have to get the latest scoop though!"

"i can't miss an opportunity like this!"

"[name] needs to rest and hurry to work. it'd be best for you all to leave her alone."

"no way i'm missing this!"

the familiar voice sighed. "you gotta make me do this the hard way, eh?"


"i'd suggest you all leave... y'know, before the cops come and charge you for breaking into private property."

"private property?"

"kuroh Inc. owns the entire block. Now scram."

once the female knew that the coast was clear, she opened the door.

"phew! thanks!" she said to the male who helped her.

"no problem, bar keep."

"yeah, yeah. let's go to work already."


[name] [last name] owns a huge company called kuroh inc. she also owns many casinos and hotels called kuroh resort. them being extremely popular in Japan. the casino she owns is pretty close to her and she acts as a bar keeper there sometimes.

kuroh inc. has a loan department(?), electricity department, pro hero support items, and medical department.


she was walking home at night from the main kuroh building.

"he likes the moon too..."

she said, referring to the day dream she had in the morning. it was all she was thinking of all day.

"the moon.... I love it because not many people do.... people barely see the moon resting all night....."

she looked up at the night sky, admiring the stars and the half-moon.

"not many truly see the beauty of the moon and only know the brightness of the sun..."

she smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying the peace that the night gave her.

well, she was, until she bumped into someone, again.

"watch where you're going."

"oh, s-sorry!"

she helped herself up and stared at the guy she had bumped into. he had black hair.

"...t-tenko......" she said quietly, but loud enough for the guy to hear.

"not my name sweetheart."

"o-oh! s-s-sorry about that! you just reminded me of someone... someone that I u-used to know!"

"names' dabi."

"[name] [last name]."

"you should be heading home.... it's not safe around these parts at night."


"cya around, [name]."

he started walking away.

"goodnight, dabi!"

she continued on her walk home.

"why do I keep bumping into people..... "


once again, she looked at the half-moon for the last time before she would go to sleep.

"he loved the moon too..."

the moon || tomura shigaraki (old version)Where stories live. Discover now