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"you sounded like you wanted to say something."


"you can say it.... i'm not gonna judge you."




"...the moon sure is beautiful.."



"..what- what's your q-quirk..."

"my quirk..."


"i'm quirkless."

"yo-your quirkless?"


"..i-i wish i was quirkless..."

"e-eh? why?"

"because i hate my quirk..."

"...what is your quirk?"


"..you can tell me anything, tenko."



"de-decay.... my-my qu-quirk is called decay... anything I touch with all five of my fingers.... it-it will disintegrate......"




"..I-i knew I shouldn't have told you! your scared of me now... yo-you'll-you'll hate me!"


"h-huh! h-hey! get off of me! wh-what are you doing! do-don't touch me!"

"..it's called a hug."

"..did-did you not hear what I said! if I touch you with all my fingers I could kill you!"

"I know you wouldn't."


"you won't try to push me off... I trust you.."



"..I-i don't want to hurt you..."

"..you won't."

"...you idiot! j-just get off! I-i'm go-gonna hu-"

"it's your quirk. you can control. I believe in you.."

"...you-you idiot.... your gonna die because of your stupidity... you-you know that?"

".. as long as I'm with you."

"miss [last name]!"

"h-huh? oh..."

"miss [last name], did you hear what I said?"

"my apologies.."

"are you alright miss [last name]? I've noticed that you've been spacing out recently..."

"I've just been having a few flashbacks ever since I started an office in this area."

"has this area brought back a few memories?"


"maybe something in this area is reminding you of something in your childhood."

"I used to live in this area as a child."

"is there a common topic in your flashbacks? or a person?"

"huh? why?"

"I read somewhere that if all of a sudden, you start getting flashbacks of a certain person in your childhood that you haven't seen in a while, then they are either nearby, or you are nearby the place you met then or go to a lot with them."

"yeah... its about one of my old childhood friends.... we're always in one spot, the spot where we would always talk.."

"have you thought of visiting that place? that might stop your little daydreams."

"I'll probably go visit there tomorrow. thank you."

"your welcome."

"anyways, what was it that you were saying before?"

"oh right- did you read the letter that I gave you the other day?"

"yes, of course."

"the leader wants to meet with you, discussing the bullets."

"alright I'll take a look into that."


"where even was that place.."

she asked herself.

"every day... the day dreams are longer.... im getting more information on him at least..."

she looked up to the waxing gibbous moon.

"his quirk... it was decay..."

her head started to hurt. she stopped walking and clutched on. her head, the immense pain was stressing her out.


she closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down. but, the pain only got worse.


she desperately clutched her head harshly.

"excuse me ma'am. are you alright?"

a gentle, male voice spoke out.

"...my-my head..ah!"

she couldn't look up to see the male, but she could tell that he immediately knew what to do as he led her towards a nearby bench and told her to calm down, take a deep breath, and relax.

as she did so, she felt the pain in her head slowly fade away. as soon as it disappeared, she looked up at the male.

his body seemed to be formed of purple mist.

"thank you, sir."

"your welcome. and no need for anything in return."

she looked at him for a minute.

"are you weirded out by my appearance? if so, then-"

"no. it's not that. just...- you look familiar- or-er the purple... mist.."

"....you aren't weirded out by my appearance? you don't think I'm weird?"

"not at all. your quirk doesn't define you as a person."

the male was about to respond until a beep beep interrupted him.

"my apologies, but I must head home now."

"understood. goodbye ma'am."

"thank you, sir."

she started to walk away.


"why-why did I react like that when I thought back to tenko..."

the moon || tomura shigaraki (old version)Where stories live. Discover now