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September 7th, 2009

Alisia's POV

When I woke up today, Stefan was standing on the roof. I wish I could say it was a strange occurrence, but it really wasn't.

Today is my first day of freshman year, at Beacon Hills High School. I enjoyed going to school in Beacon Hills, besides the fact that i had to wake up earlier to get there. I was definitely not a morning person, never was, never will be. It's even worse now that i'm 9 weeks pregnant, and was sick constantly. whoever called it morning sickness is a liar.

I drag myself out of bed and down to the kitchen, where zach was leaning against the counter with a coffee in his hand.

"Did you leave some for me?" I ask.

"Nope" he replies without even looking at me.

"Rude bitch" I say, making my way over to the coffee machine to fuel my addiction. Stefan comes in, brooding as usual, and looks over at me.

"Can you even drink that?" He asks.

"A normal cup a day is fine" I respond before taking a sip and carrying the mug back upstairs into my room. I finish my coffee quickly before getting ready and making sure i have everything i need, before grabbing my skateboard and heading downstairs and out the door with a quick 'bye' to my uncle and brother.

I have to skateboard to school since i'm 'too young to drive' according to my very fake birth certificate, which i think is total bullshit. I'm easily a better driver than every adult in my town. It takes me about 40 minutes to get to school from my house, so i put my earbuds in, zone out, and let Jesus take the wheel.

I didn't even make it to first period before i got a text from Jeremy.

Lil J: Elena just harassed me in the dudes bathroom looking for 'my stuff'. Apparently chill is 'stoner talk' now.

Ali Rose: She's sounding more and more like those oldies that assume that everything is a code for drugs and sex lmao

Lil J: For real lol, what class do you have now?

Ali Rose: History thank god

Lil J: Ew what teenager actually likes history?

Ali Rose: Me bitch

Ali Rose: gtg, bell just rang

Lil J: ttyl

Ali Rose: ew no never again

I sat with Scott and Stiles at lunch, and the two talked about trying out for the lacrosse team after school. I couldn't for obvious reasons, but maybe next year.

"I spoke to her today" Stefan states as he walked into the house. I look up from my place on the couch, where i was doing my homework.

"That's unfortunate" I respond apathetically.

"Why do you hate her? She seems nice" He asks, somewhat confused.

"Because she has no real personality and expects everyone to go out of their way to help her. She's just a walmart version of Katherine and i only need one Katherine in my life. Well, needed"

"I think you're just being too quick to judge" He says

"I'm sure you do, brother" I reply, without looking up from my work. He simply huffs and walks upstairs, presumably to write in his diary.

Stefan left to return Elena's journal that she had apparently dropped during their little chat, and i decided to head to the grill to hang out with the others.

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