ch 2 fresh meat

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Ermes is walking with (Y/N), leaning on her, to their cell but come to a sudden stop at something very interesting sight. They see Jolyne on the floor NAKED twisting and turning in front of two guards

(Y/N): what the fuck am I looking at

Ermes: I don't know but she's definitely got some guts. Exposing herself to the guards like that, esp. At a young age too

(Y/N): I wouldn't call it guts but, I gotta say, she has a rocking body for sure

Ermes: and just like that you made it wierd. Let's go!

(Y/N): hold on let me just get a better look real quick

Ermes: you either come with me or I leave you here to limp to the cell

(Y/N): alright fine! I can always use my imagination

They arrived at their cell and Ermes placed him down at the bottom bunk. She then gets up and is about to head out till he stops her

(Y/N): what no goodnight kiss?!

Ermes: ew

(Y/N): damn you make me feel ugly

Ermes: I'm just telling the truth

(Y/N): so where you going anyway

Ermes: that's none of your business

(Y/N): come on it's the least you could do after I took one hell of a beating for you

Ermes: I fucking helped you up here you know! *sigh* I'm gonna sell the shiny thing we found to make a quick buck

(Y/N): see was that so if you'll excuse me I gotta take the money out of my eyes and the sleep my pain away

Ermes: right! Well later

(Y/N): later

She goes to do her thing and (Y/N) starts taking the money out and hides it. He then goes to sleep hoping that the pain would die down

King crimson

(Y/N) woke up in the middle of the night to a sickly fever. He got up and splashed some water on his face and it did help. He then noticed that Ermes was twisting and turning

He did someone risky by reaching out and feeling her forehead. She was heating up and looked extremely ill. He walks to the cell door and looks around for some guards


Soon one came over with a pissed off look on their face

P.G: this better be improved if you're awake this late in the day

(Y/N): my cellmate seems to be burning up in here

P.G: are you fuckin serious

(Y/N): it's pretty bad and I don't want to get sick

P.G: *sigh* fine step into the corner

The guard went in and felt Ermes forehead. She soon radioed the clinic and for some help them took her to the infirmary. He then went back to bed and fell asleep

King crimson

The next day (Y/N) woke up feeling worse than last night. He ignored it and went on with his day to the cafeteria. He got some breakfast but wasn't very hungry

He started coughing a bit violently and chugged down the milk. He felt his forgot and it was hotter than before

(Y/N): *in mind* really first fucking day and I already feel like I'm gonna die here

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