Chapter 2

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hey guys! Um yeet byeee

(btw, the friend who got me to love pansmione is currently writing a book called the lesser twin on my account, go check it out! She is also writing this message, and helping with edits. hehe)

-🐝 x

As Hermione was walking out of the door, Parkinson called her back.

"Granger, can you... stay a minute please?" Hermione sighed, but she turned around and walked back.

"What?" She said waspishly.

Parkinson paused, twisting her hands, and said

"I need to talk to you."

Hermione raised her eyebrow.

"Well, I wouldn't willingly talk to you usually, but I'm not doing this for me... I'm doing this for Draco. Look, I know that Ha-I mean-Potter likes Draco and I know that Draco likes Potter. So I need you to help me because they're both dying inside and they need help."

Hermione opened her mouth and then closed it again. She couldn't really think of a response to that so she just stared, dumbstruck.

"How do you know? About Harry, I mean." She just managed to get out.

Pansy twisted her hands again, which I was rapidly associating that with Parkinson being nervous.

"Let's just say... He owes me."

It took me a minute to take everything in. One minute, then another. I took one long, hard look at Parkinson, and slowly jerked my head up and down.

"I think... Ok. Yes. I'll help you."

Parkinson looked up, and I saw a small smile flash across her face.

"Good," She said softly. "Good."

Then the hardened, impatient version of her was back as she smirked and turned away. "I'll see you soon," she said.

And then she walked out.

And Hermione watched her go.


Hermione did her best over the next few days to corner Harry, but after an initial coming out, Harry didn't say a word about being bisexual to anyone. After asking Ron about it, he just advised her to drop it.

"It's not like it's a huge deal or anything! He's come out, and that's great! But you almost seem obsessed-" which made Hermione storm off. Stupid Ronald, she thought. She just wanted to slap him sometimes. But what Hermione was really thinking about was, surprisingly, Parkinson. She was so confused, and had so, so many questions. She just couldn't take her mind off of her. It. Not her. So, Hermione decided to go over to talk to her. At breakfast. It was, perhaps, not her brightest of ideas...

''Parkinson." Hermione said, as she walked into earshot.

'What?' she said waspishly.

"I need to talk to you. About the uh Arithmancy... homework..." Hermione ignored all the sniggers from the Slytherin, flipped off Malfoy and dragged Parkinson off by the arm.

"Smooth, Granger." Pansy hissed as they entered the Entrance Hall.

"What else was I meant to do? We don't usually hang out so it'll be weird if it was anything else."

Parkinson rolled her eyes and allowed herself to be dragged to a small alcove near the courtyard.

"So." She said, a sly smile on Parkinson's face. Hermione felt herself tinge red slightly.

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