Chapter 1

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Hey guys! My friend got me to love Pansmione soooo.... that's what I'm doing! This story starts the day before Beauxbatons and Durmstrang come to Hogwarts. Yay! Love ya,

In the Gryffindor common room

"Ron, stop being such an idiot! Just because Harry is Bisexual doesn't mean he's gonna suddenly like, I dunno, Malfoy!" (Yeah right Hermione, yeah right) Hermione said as she checked Harry's essay, which was on the unforgivable curses, "You really can sometimes be such a-"
"Prat?" Harry suggested, then winced as Ron jabbed him in the side. A ghost of a smile flickered across Hermione's face as she shook her head and continued to check Harry's essay.
"Anyway, we"- Hermione indicated Ron and herself-"should really be starting to think about that kind of stuff. Everyone should think about it at some point. Harry was really brave, telling us." Ron snickered and Harry gave a sort of half smile and said quietly
"I'm off to bed. Big day tomorrow..." as soon as Harry was out of earshot, Hermione hissed at Ron, "Ronald! I think you should go apologise. He expressed a part of himself that he shared with us because we're his best friends! And you're treating it like a huge joke!"
Ron looked uneasy and shrugged and muttered, "I'll be off to bed too then. Night, 'mione." Hermione sniffed and continued finishing Harry's essay. She had been thinking about her sexuality for a while, come to think of it.Vague, unformed ideas that were forgotten about by day. Maybe she should talk to someone about it... no. Not yet, not now. The idea scared her almost as much as you-know-who destroying Hogwarts... and with that thought, Hermione dozed off in front of the warm fireplace with Harry's essay still on her lap.


"'Mione! 'Mione? HERMIONE GRANGER!" Harry shouted in her ear as he shook Hermione awake. Hermione stirred in her sleep, muttering to herself. "Come on Hermione, you've already missed breakfast! Get up!" Harry said. And then, when that didn't get her up, he whispered right in her face, "McGonagall is gonna do her nut when she finds out that you missed her transfiguration class... it was really important, too..." and that certainly got her awake. "WHAT??" Hermione shouted, as Harry roared with laughter. "Not funny, Potter. Not funny at all. I'll get you back for this, Harry I will. I have your very important essay for snape on my lap... something dreadful could happen..." she said innocently. Harry scowled. "You wouldn't dare..."
Hermione looked thoughtful, "probably not..."


Hermione rushed upstairs to her dorm and got into a hoodie and some jeans and put her robe over the top. She then ran down the stairs and grabbed a croissant from the great hall. She sprinted at full speed and, still eating her croissant, managed to join the line in front of the transfiguration classroom with time to spare.

(Magical time skip to the end of transfiguration class)

Hermione stretched, as she'd been cramped over throughout transfiguration. It was a note taking session, - not that she was complaining or anything - and she had ink splotches all over her hoodie and hands. (That was the problem of using a quill and ink.) she had arithmancy next, which would usually be good, however Parkinson was in her class. So annoying, always screeching out the answer, never putting her hand up and sneering at anyone else. But as she got to the door, Parkinson seemed almost... in thought. Subdued, and Hermione had never seen her like this before. She glanced at Hermione and looked away. Not one sneer. Professor Vector called them in, and Hermione stopped focusing on anything. All that was important was Arithmancy. (Ok that was kinda weird but that's what I imagine Hermione's brain being like (: anyway:)

(Time skip till after lesson again)

As Hermione was walking out of the door, Parkinson called her back. "Granger, can you... stay a minute please?" Hermione sighed, but she turned around and walked back. "What?" She said waspishly. Parkinson paused, twisting her hands, and said "I need to talk to you."

That's it for chapter one guys! I hope you enjoyed. This is gonna be slow going... but yeah! Love ya!
Word count: 706
-🐝 💙

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