Chapter 3

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New chapter ;)

The fact that Pansy and Hermione were now in fact friends (or as close as you can get when you've hated each other's guts for four years - maybe friendly?) was greatly disturbing to lots of  people. In fact, many people seemed more shocked then that then they were about Pansy and Hermione's 'date'.
"I mean," said Ron, as they were hurrying to the library (Hermione had promised Ron that she would help him with his charms essay) "It makes sense. You're testing things out, don't want to mess things up with a friend, so choose one of your enemies!" Hermione scoffed.
"Parkinson isn't my enemy! She's my..."
Ron smiled. "I'm not entirely sure you know what to do with the end of that sentence."
Hermione rolled her eyes.

It was a little strange, thought Hermione, as she walked down the aisle, scanning the books for a summoning charm theory. They met up fairly often, helping each other with homework and genuinely enjoying each other's company (Or, Hermione was enjoying Pansy's). But Hermione gave it little thought and was happy with the new somewhat-friend she had.

Hermione returned to where Ron was sitting, head on the table. When he heard her coming, Ron looked up hopefully and, when he saw her with a huge pile of books, started banging his head on the table.
"Well," He said, groaning, "At least you can finish it with me."
Hermione winced. "Actually..." Ron slammed his hands on the table.
"Come off it! I never knew you were this popular! Who are you seeing this time?" For this was the third time that Hermione had abandoned him in the library this week.
"Uh- Pansy?"
Ron grumbled, but waved her away. The truth was, Hermione was about to go and see Harry, but she still wasn't sure if Ron was still angry at him.

As Hermione walked down the corridor, a hand reached out and pulled Hermione into an empty classroom.
"What the bloody hell-?" But her sentence was cut short by a hand over her mouth. She looked up, and was surprised to see Pansy. Hermione's eyes widened and she was about to swear at her and storm off, when Pansy put her finger over her mouth and pointed towards two figures at the end of the corridor.
It was Harry and Malfoy.
What the...
Pansy quietly closed the door and whispered to Hermione.
"I saw Draco sneak off looking shifty and a bit sweaty - not like him at all. So then I followed him, the only logical thing to do and then Potter appeared. They've been talking at the end of the corridor for ages now. I saw you coming along and I was like 'shit! Hermione will ruin this moment!' - so long story short that's why I kidnapped you."
Hermione bit the inside of her cheek, nodded a little, then frowned up at Pansy.
"Parkinson... did you just say I ruin moments?" Pansy looked a little uncomfortable.
"Well not exactly." She said, smirking a little.
"Hmph." Pansy narrowed her eyes a little, still smirking.
"Let's run a scenario, shall we? If I kissed you, right now, you would run away would you not?"
"Um.." Hermione paused. If Parkinson kissed her... "Well.. probably?"
Pansy looked smug, and spread her arms. "Moment ruiner!" Hermione shoved Pansy. "Oh shove off Parkinson." (I swear when I wrote this I didn't realise that this was a reaaally bad pun.(tbh i'm not even sure this counts as a pun lol it was THAT bad) But I am gonna keep it so suck it up ;))
Pansy was about to retort, when Hermione pushed her even further back and muttered "Shhh! Listen!"

Out in the corridor, there was suddenly an explosion of sound. Before, Hermione could just hear small mutterings and whispers. But now, there was shouting from up and down the corridor.
"GET OFF ME POTTER!" came two voices.
"I said..." Malfoy said, with scathing venom, "GET OFF OF ME POTTER!"
There was a loud bang, and a huge thump. Hermione gasped and threw herself out the door, surveying the scene in front of her.
Harry was on the floor, groaning and, just whipping around the corner and out of sight was Malfoy.
"Hermione?" Harry mumbled, stuttering slightly.
Behind Hermione, Pansy was muttering under her breath:
"Shit. Shit. Shit. Crap. That does not look good."
Hermione whirled around to look at her.
"Good observation! Maybe don't just stand there, do something! Go to Madam Pomfrey or something, or, I dunno, find Malfoy?"
Pansy widened er eyes. "Why are you mad at me? I have done nothing wrong, unless you count me letting you leave that classroom!"
Hermione swelled to her full height (granted it wasn't very tall) and hissed at her. "What do you mean 'let me'? Harry is hurt, with a possible concussion and you would rather me not to go help him, to not 'ruin the moment?'
Pansy opened her mouth but no sound came out.
"Clearly you don't want me around right now." She said coolly. "So I will go, and you can deal with him by yourself. You can talk to me again when you stop acting like a child." And, with a contemptuous look at Hermione, Pansy stalked after Draco.

Hermione half carried, half dragged Harry to the Hospital Wing, where Madam Pomfrey took over and, with a half smile, said:
"I wouldn't worry. This boy has been through much worse than this. He's only got a small concussion, so he'll be out in three hours." And with that, she ushered Hermione out of the room.

She couldn't concentrate. Hermione shut her ancient runes book with a sigh. Ron glanced at her.
"Harry going to be ok?" He mumbled, rubbing sleep out of his eyes.
"I... yeah. He's going to be fine."
Hermione half wanted to shout at Ron, too. He still wasn't talking to Harry, when Harry really needed it, and she could tell that Ron needed him too. But she didn't want to ruin another friendship today, so she kept her mouth shut.
An hour later, Ron trudged up to bed. Half an hour later, Harry walked in, smiling tiredly, and, after Hermione anxiously made sure he was okay, he also went up to bed. But long after midnight, Hermione just sat in her chair, staring into the fire and thinking, for once, about nothing.

Ooooh lil bit of fightinggg *eyebrow waggle*
I just wanted to thank you guys for reading this and I hope you enjoyed! Um this feels a little bit awkward but if you like this story, please consider voting or commenting. It really makes my day so yeah.

Word count:1134

Okay anyway, love ya guys! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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