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The child seemed to make the entire room cry as she did too.

"What are we going to do with her? The Dursleys refuse to take her!" Snape snapped, managing to keep his composure.

"It states in the will that she should go to you, Severus. It still saddens me to know that Tom would do this," Dumbledore sighed.

Most of you will believe Dumbledore is a bad person...

But that isn't the case. Dumbledore truly cared for us- the twins.

Yeah, great cover.

Sorry, Ru-

Shut up and let me explain.

Some people believe Dumbledore put a potion on Harry, others believe he manipulated him. However, in this tale, we speak the truth.

He was just a very cryptic man.

He wasn't cryptic, he was crazy.

Just continue.

Fine. Dumbledore never placed a spell on Harry, he removed one... he just didn't know one was placed on Rune as well...

It was more than one but ok.

Who's telling the story?


Good, now let's continue...

"You still call him Tom," Snape pointed out. "And how am I supposed to raise a child!"

"Calm down, I'm sure she'll be easy," McGonagall sighed.

"She just... looks so much like her..." Severus sighed. He could barely look at the child without feeling guilty. Her left eye was an emerald green while her right eye was a sparkling blue. Her red hair and pale skin made her an adorable baby. The only thing was that her eyes seemed filled with pain and sadness.

"I know Severus, just do your best," Dumbledore patted his friend's shoulder who sighed.


Years passed, and Snape couldn't look at Rune. She reminded him too much of the girl he failed to save, of the girl he used to love. The girl was the only good thing she had left behind... other than the constant pranks. She didn't know why Snape refused to pay attention to her, and that led to the events that follow...

I stared at the ocean. Snape was ignoring me, again. It was today that I saw tears in his eyes when he looked at me.

'Am I not good enough? Did I do something wrong? Does he truly have a reason to hate me?' The thoughts entered my mind and I cried to myself. I don't know why I cried... was it fear? Anger? Sadness? Or disappointment in myself. I'm not sure if I'll ever know.

I heard singing in the wind.

I found myself staring at the singer. It was a beautiful lady who seemed to have pure black angel wings. Her hair was midnight black and her eyes an enchanting gold. Her skin was as pale as mine and freckles dotted her cheeks.

"Hello, my dear. I'm glad we finally get to meet," she whispered. Her voice had me wanting to listen to everything she had to say. My eyes widened in realisation.

"Yes, I'm a siren, one of the last of my kind," she says and this time I didn't feel the same tug as before. It felt more... warm, like I knew her.

"My name is Melodie Heartstone. It's a please to meet you, at last, Rune Potter," She says and I smile before nodding my head to her. 

"I need to ask you something very important, my dear child," Melodie says and I nod, signalling her to continue.

"I don't have more than a week or so left before I'm gone, I've been waiting to meet you so I can give you my gift," she says and my eyes widen.

"You want to..."

"Give you the power of a Siren. This isn't something to take lightly. Being a Siren allows you to alter sound waves, read people's mind- no matter how many barriers they put up, you will be able to see their greatest greed and deepest regrets. I happen to be a half and half siren, both a water and sky siren, which will give you both their powers, allowing you to control the air and the water," I nod my head at her words before getting on one knee.

"I understand, but what of the consequences?" I ask and she smiles.

"You are smart for a four-year-old, child. The first consequence is blindness, being replaced with the ability to see the world through every aura, vibrations, spirits and air currents. The second consequence is that you won't be able to turn your charm speak off without practice, same with your sirens voice. The third consequence is that you also gain the dangerous power of fire, without proper training it can destroy everything. The final consequence is that people will notice your beauty and see it as much more, only people around your age though. It will make it harder for you to make friends such as the fact that a Sirens power often make people mute unless they use their power," Melodie states sadly.

"I accept, I understand that it will make my life harder, but it will also keep your species alive. I will gladly face the consequences," I say and she smiles softly. 

"Thank you, if you ever need help then any creature shall gladly offer it to you," Melodie pulls me into a hug and my vision fades.


It's been two years. Two years since I got my abilities. No one else knows, all they know is I won't talk, that I'm mute and blind. They think I was attacked as they only now notice the scar that stretches across my arm.

'Tonights the night, I'm leaving this stupid place!' I smirk at my thoughts. This was it, I had packed everything I wanted into my small bag after casting a charm on it so it could hold infinite items and never grow heavier than a wallet. Snape had seemed worried after the incident, I knew he had been crying but now he only stared at me with sad eyes. I hated it... I hated him... I hated everyone who pitied me. 

"It's Rune Potter!"

"Poor girl, her brother gets all the fame and she gets taken away from him,"

"She lost her parents too,"

"Her brother had to protect her,"

"Yeah! Harry Potter! The-Who-Lived!"

"When will we get to see him and not his pathetic sister?"

The whispers were everywhere I go! I was sick and tired of them! For Merlin's sake! I'm six and all I ever hear is "Look it's the Boy-Who-Lived's Sister! If I'm nice she might put a good word in for me!" or "She's probably some jealous brat because her brother is so famous!". 

I tired of it, I'm tired of being compared to someone I don't even know! Whenever I try and talk to my "friends" they just tell me to stop being jealous. Then I met Alex and Meredy, my only real friends and their children of Death Eaters.

My old "friends" always said I was jealous of my brother. I'm not jealous! Imagine being compared to the person you hate the most and people saying they're better, saying your worthless and a brat... I just wish I wasn't related to him...

"Are you ready?" Alex asked as he stood at the window. I nodded and he cast a spell. The room looked as though a fight had broken out, with the dark mark painted on the wall.

That's right, I was running away to live with Ex Death Eaters.

Of course, we wouldn't be there for long- but they don't know that...

Book 1: No Perfect Angel (Harry Potter, Goblet of Fire) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now