part 25

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The gesture of Yash annoyed Ankita who was demanding the reason behind his this action but Yash kept numb on this and only commanded her
" Prepare Gauri and specially Bhavya for this"

Ankita" You are joking with me, right?"

Yash" Sorry, but I'm not"

He told in cold tone

Ankita " Why you are doing this with me?"

Yash" Stop crying Ankita and trust me if you are mother than I'm their father too and like you, it's not easy for me too, but whatever I'm doing, it's for their betterment"

He told making her comfortable on bed

Ankita" What for their betterment, huh? You are separating a mother from her kids and from their family and you are saying, it's for their good. Look Yashji, I know I always threaten them and it's just to keep them on right path but it never means that you'll took my words serious"

Yash" Try to understand please, for gods sake please"

Ankita" And you for mother sake understand please, please don't separate my kids from me, please"

Yash" Ankita you are mature and well educated lady that why you are giving me example of weak and immature woman. Why?"

Ankita" Because I'm a mother and whether, a mother is educated or uneducated, their feelings are mutual for their kids. Mr Yash Singh Raizada, keep one think in your mind, ' A lady can be weak but not a mother' and if in your eyes, mother's love is example of immaturity. Then yes I'm giving you the example and by setting this example, I'm telling you. I won't send Gauri and Bhavya far from me"

Yash" Fine that's your decision, now listen to my order and you have to accept that. Next week Gauri is going Oxford and Bhavya is going Harvard. Hold this pen and sign here, with father, mother signatures are also required, do them and then kids sign will be left that I'll take from them, myself. I know nor you'll have this much courage and nor they'll do them on your saying. So I'll take their signatures of my own"

He told giving papers and pen to her.

Ankita with tears hurtfully glanced him. Yash looked everywhere expect her eyes as he knows, if he once glanced her then he too will break down and then he has to tell her everything. Ankita grasped pen and papers from him, she keeping his gaze on him was about to sign but then stopped and asked harshly cleaning her face

Ankita" I'm not going to sign, till you don't tell the reason behind this. I know you are doing this by keeping stone on your heart and I want to know that reason that's forcing you to do this with, us. Yashji I need to know please share"

She told taking his face in cup.

Yash heart was saying to share with his kids, mother but his business brain was flowing in opposite direction.

Ankita" Tell na why you are silient?"

She screamed not able to bore his salient more. Yash glanced her and yelled

" Because A.........."

Before he could share everything with her, Shivaay's words stopped him.


It's same day when Shivaay told everything to Yash about Thapar's and Yash wanted to share it with Ankita but Shivaay
stopped him

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