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"Okay, just stop. Was there... ever... a Malaysia job?"

"I... "

"Okay... "

"C'mon. C'mon, wait. Elena, wait!"

"I don't get you."

"Look, I wanted to tell you."

"You know what, enough."

"No, I wanted to! But how could I?"

"I don't know, just say it?"

"I had to protect you."

"That is bullshit, Nate. You just didn't have the nerve to face me. Again."

"I knew you would react like this."

"How would you react? You lied to me... for weeks. If you were killed, I... wouldn't have even know about it. And now you have a brother? Who are you?"

"Come on. I'm me. C'mon, it's me. It's different this time."

"Oh my God."

"I have to save him. I don't even care about the treasure."

"The look on your face when you walked into this room... If you're done lying to me... then you should stop lying to yourself."


Dear SoulmateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora