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I wake up arms wrapped around a girl. It wasn't you it was my girlfriend. I get up slowly going to the bathroom and washing off. I get done a couple minutes later and wrap a towel around my waist. Going to the mirror looking at myself. Regret fulfilling my mind and heart. Everyday I look at myself in the mirror I think of you. When we were together how happy we were until I fucked up. Cheating on the person who brought me happiness. I just couldn't give up my title the fuckboy...

But now that I grown to be a better person than who I was before I regret it. I regret losing you because you were actually are still the love of my life. My happiness and that's why I kissed you. I missed you I shouldn't have done it but ... I did. I have a girlfriend yes but I don't love her like you I just like her I don't love her. I'm dating her to get rid of my feeling for you but I can't now that I know you live here in Busan. I've been looking for you but I just can't find you. Yesterday I saw you in that coffee shop my breath hitched you looked beautiful. Like you always do with or without makeup. My opinion without makeup is better.

If I could choose I would choose without makeup. You passed by our table I know you heard her you ran away quickly. I made and excuse to go look for you but you were already gone.

I wished I could have awoken earlier and saw you as more than just a toy. Because living without you felt horrible the first time but the second time It felt awful like I was living and hell every single day and I'm still am. I miss you....your kisses,cuddles, your laugh, your everything. I'm dating her just because she looks like you but I can't see her as you because you are your own person. You are Eun Y/n the girl I feel in love with and is still.....

I can't move on I just can't.....

To Be Continued....

Guys be careful and not get sick because of the virus take care of yourself bye-A/n

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