i. Rest

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Day 1- Rest

Elsa sighed and hunched over the letter, trying to prompt her tired mind into constructing a politically correct request for a fellow monarch to not attack her kingdom. On two hours sleep plus a ten hour day, it was not going well.


Suddenly there was a soft sigh behind her like a breeze, and her hair spilled out of her braid and over her shoulder, cool fingers running through it soothingly.


“Jack.” She sighed, reaching her right hand behind her to lay it over one of his. “Not now.”


“Why not now?” Jack Frost replied, ghosting a little above the floor until he was perched opposite her on the desk. “I think now is a perfect time for you to take a break. You’re working too hard.”


“Yes, well-” Too tired to even come up with a witty response, Elsa sighed and dropped her head into her hands, her light hair tickling her neck. “It’s not, I mean, I’m not, I mean-ugh. I need to finish this letter. Please just give me ten minutes?”


“Fine.” Jack sat in the chair opposite her, staff laid across the arms, and sat back to observe her. “But then I’m making you take a break. All work and no snowball fights makes Elsa-”


“-a good Queen?”


“A boring Queen.” Jack corrected. “But you’re pretty good too, so I’ll let you have it.”


Elsa gave a small smile and a sigh, relenting. “Fine. But just for an hour; then I have to get back to work.”


“That’s my girl.” Even now she flushed pink at his words, amusing him to no end.


“No distracting me.” Elsa warned. “If you’re going to stay here you need to sit in the chair and not say anything. Okay?”


“Promise.” Jack crossed his heart. “I’ll be as good as gold.”


“You’d better.” With that Elsa returned to her letter writing, hair roughly rebraided and her teeth biting her lip in concentration. Jack watched her, silent just as he promised, until ten minutes had passed and she had signed the letter, sealing it with wax and placing it on the end of her desk.


“So what now?” Elsa asked, standing, stretching and wobbling as her vision blurred. In an instant Jack was behind her, supporting her with his hands on her shoulder blades.


“Woah, alright, Queenie. I know I’m attractive but there’s no need to swoon in my presence.” He teased, though he frowned a little in concern, moving around to look her in the eyes. “Are you okay?”


“I’m fine, Jack.” She placed a hand on his forearm and smiled lightly. “I’m just a little tired.”


He was shaking his head, gently grabbing her elbow. “You should sleep. You’re exhausted.” He began to tug her over to her study door and out into the corridor, ignoring her protests, not even looking at her, until they entered her bedroom.


“Here. Sleep.” He pushed her by her shoulders until she eventually gave in and collapsed onto the bed, a sigh, half of exhaustion and half of exasperation escaping her lips.


“Alright.” Jack smiled in satisfaction as she lay down and hovered over her, pressing a kiss to her forehead.


“Okay, I’ll be back-”




He paused and looked at Elsa, who was apparently as surprised by what she said as he was. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were wide, directed elsewhere though he was sure she was looking at him before.


“Would you...stay?”


It took him a moment before he responded, nodding, lips curving into a smile as he sat up on the bed, against the headboard, and pulled her to rest on his chest. There was a soft blush on both their cheeks at his actions, and within minutes she was asleep, her chest rising and falling rhythmically as she breathed.

Jack smiled, once again undoing her braid, and began to run his fingers through her hair, his cool and gentle touch bringing a smile to her lips.

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