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One year later

A handsome man wearing a midnight blue suit with a crisp white shirt, entered the sarvocare Hospital... Male female all eyes turned to see this new guy. He removed his sunglasses. All female population present there at the moment were stunned to see him. Not even sparing a single glance to any of them, he walked to a couple. His walk held confidence.

"Bhai!!" A girl welcomed the man with a hug.

"Hey Divya... Shekher" he greeted the other guy too sharing a brotherly hug.

Divya- "Rakshit bhai, it's great to see you back. And your joining this hospital too!"

Rakshit- "Waise, Drishti kaha hai?"

Divya and Shekher shared a look between them.

Shekher- "Her cabin is over there. You can go and meet her" Shekher said pointing a direction.

He went to that direction and found a door with a name plate saying 'Drishti Sharma'. He was about to knock when he heard someone scolding someone loudly.

Drishti- "How can you be so careless? This is about a patient's life! Do you have any idea this man could've died because of wrong medicine?"

Nurse-"I'm sorry ma'am"

Drishti-"What should I do with your sorry if something happened? One more mistake and you're fired! Now GET OUT!!"

A nurse came out of the door crying. Another nurse rushed to pacify her.

Nurse2-"You should be extra careful. You know na ma'am get so angry even for a small mistake"

Nurse 1- "Honestly, I don't understand what happened to the kind and sweet girl from before. She wasn't like this always" another nurse added.

With a thousand questions in mind, Rakshit opened the door before him without knocking. Just as he entered,

Drishti- "I don't care whoever you are. Get out, knock on the door and then come back" a voice snapped at him from a chair that was turned away from him.

Rakshit-"What if I refused to do that?" He asked in an equally stern voice, making the chair turn to him.

Drishti- "Rakshit?"

A very little hint of a smile spread through her face. But her smile didn't make him happy. All he could see was a workaholic before him.

The radiance he saw in her face an year ago wasn't there. She look so tired. No life in her face.

Drishti- "Why are you standing over there? Sit"

And she was being too formal with him. This isn't the Drishti he first met.

Drishti- "I didn't know you were coming back. When did you came?" She asked.

Rakshit- "Well you would've known before if you had answered any of my calls or messages. Or if you talked with Shekher or Divya" he said in a way of taunting.

She frowned.

Drishti-"I've been busy. And I had sent you a message telling you that!" She snapped.

Rakshit-"Yeah yeah 10 months ago. Seriously? Is that how you treat your friends? I am insulted!" She looked away.

Drishti- "I had so much work. I didn't have time!" She protested.

Rakshit- "Of course!! Then I guess I'm wasting your precious time too right? I'm going!"

He stood angrily and went to the door. He stopped when he heard her voice.

Drishti- "Rakshit, it's not like that. I..." She halted.

Rakshit- "See you later Drishti"

with that he opened the door and went out. He staightly went outside. Shekher and Divya rushed there to see him.

Rakshit- "What the hell is wrong with that girl? Why is she behaving like that?"

Divya-"Bhai calm down. We'll tell you what we know"

Shekher-"We don't know the whole story, but it all happened because of her boyfriend. Now her ex. After the wedding when she came back, something big happened. She broke up with him. She never shared anything about what happened, with us. Not even a single drop of tears in her eyes. When we came back from Paris, we met this new emotionless Drishti, who only cared about her work. She isolated herself in work and pushed us away. Whenever we try to talk to her, she is busy. She haven't come to any party or occasion for the past year! We couldn't help her coz we don't know anything about what happened"

few tears dropped from Divya's eyes.

Rakshit- "Don't worry. Let's figure out what happened and bring back our old Drishti" Rakshit said with determination.

Shekher- "Don't worry wifey, if anyone can bring old pagal Drishti back, that's your khadoos bhai" Shekher whispered to his wife

Divya-"Yeah! Bhai loves her still. I can see it in his eyes! One year before, she managed to get in to his heart. He couldn't forget his feelings no matter how normal he act. Let's see how hitler work his charms" Divya too agreed.

Shekher- "Abae ooo don't start matchmaking yet!!" Shekher scolded her.

Divya- "C'mon na nalayak! Don't ruin my dreams!!"

Precap-drishti reveals what happened one year back...

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