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Few days have passed.

Rakshit is now working in Sarvocare too. He's in his usual strict nature but always observed Drishti from distance and noticed how changed she was. After the not so friendly conversation he had with Drishti, they haven't talk much except work related stuff.

Today, after a major surgery, Drishti came to the parking area, ready to go home only to see that her car had a punctured tire.

On a normal day she would've changed the tire on her own but today, she's so tired and it's late night to ask someone's help. She decided to leave her car there and go by a taxi. Just then a car slowed down at her feet and the window of the driver's side rolled down. Driver revealing to be none other than Rakshit,

Rakshit- "Why are you on the road at this time of night?" Came his question for her.

Drishti- "Punctured tire" came her short reply.

Rakshit- "Get in then. I'll drop you"

Drishti- "It's alright, I'll manage"

Rakshit- "Drishti....?" A warning held in his voice.

Drishti-"Ok fine!" She just told her address and was silent.

Even Rakshit didn't want to talk but kept stealing glances at her. She seemed to be lost in somewhere. When they reached her house, both got down. Rakshit walked over to Drishti.

Drishti-"Thank you for dropping me Rakshit"

Rakshit-"Drishti, we're friends. I don't know if you still consider me to be your friend but I still do. You don't have to thank me"

She gave a sad smile but didn't say anything and turned to go. He stopped her holding her hand.

Rakshit- "Don't be like this drishti, he's not worth it"

Her head snapped to his face.

drishti- "Wha-"

He placed a finger on her lips.

Rakshit- "I don't know what happened a year ago, and im not asking you. But whatever it is, don't be like this. Don't shut yourself from others and get emotionless. You're a beautiful person, outside as well as from inside. Just let everything out for once and start afresh. We all are here for you. You're not alone!" he said gently caressing her face.

His kind, gentle voice and his soft expression penetrated her cold emotionless barrier. She hugged him tight and buried her face in his chest. He stroked her head gently to calm her. He felt her sobbing silently and her tears were wetting his shirt. Little by little her cries got louder and louder. He sat on the ground leaning on his car, with her still in his arms.

Rakshit- "Just cry today and let all your pain go. Let it go away from you, so you can embrace the happiness that will come for you in the future....

" He was whispering in her ears soothing her. After crying so much she started to talk with him.

Drishti- "One year ago-"

Rakshit-"Sshhh..!! You don't have to tell me"

She struggled to speak as she was still sobbing.

Drishti- "Bu-but I-I want to! I want to tell ssomeone and get it out of my h-heart! Wo-would you lis-listen to me? Pl-please?" She felt him nodded in reply

Drishti-"His name was Ajay Parmar. One year ago, after Divya's wedding, I went to his house to meet him. I told him I was coming on the next day coz that was what I had initially planned. But when I came home, I just wanted to see him. So I went to his house to surprise him. But I was the one who got surprised instead. His servant opened the door to let me in. When I asked about Ajay, that servant told me he asked not to be disturbed. But I thought I was his girlfriend and he'd be happy to see me!! So I went staightly to his room, only to find him there with his secretary!! I-I couldn't believe my eyes!! The person who I loved more than anything was... He was with her... I- hahaha I couldn't understand why he was avoid my calls and even when he was talking with me he'd hang up quickly. I thought he's just busy with his work. But actually hahaha you know that's when I realized actions speak louder than words."

His arms around her, tightened, not only to comfort her but also to control his anger. Few moments later, he managed to ask her a question.

Rakshit-"Why didn't you tell anyone? Why did you keep it in your heart?"

Drishti-"I couldn't. Divya and Shekher got married and they were so happy. I couldn't ruin their happiness and make them worry about me. You were gone and I knew that you had too much on your plate. I didn't want to be a burden to you guys. And I was shocked. I-I didn't even cry. Not until today..."

Rakshit-"Drishti... how can you even think for a moment that you're a burden to us? No matter how much work I had or just because those two got married, doesn't mean if you have a problem you can't share to with us. We're always there for you. If those two idiots hear what you just said, they'd murder you!!"

That last part made her chuckle softly. He kissed the side of her head in assurance.

They stayed like that for few more minutes. Suddenly, his phone rang making Drishti get away from him and both stood up. He took his phone out and saw the caller was his mother.

Rakshit- "Haa maa... I'm coming... ok ok bye"

Drishti- "You should go now. Your mother must be waiting for you"

Rakshit- "Yeah, but Drishti, will you promise me something?"

Drishti- "Kya?"

Rakshit-"Promise me you won't turn to that strict khadoos person again?"

He was hopeful. She took his hands on hers.

Drishti- "Rakshit, I was a broken person until a few moments ago. Because of you those broken pieces of me are starting to come together now. You made me feel alive again. It won't be easy for me to be the old Drishti again, but I'll definitely try" she smiled giving his hands a light squeeze.

Unlike the time he saw her when he came back to India, this time her smile reminded him the time he met her in Goa. It was like the worriedness, tiredness that filled her face vanished instantly......

Precap-will love blossom again...

meri assiqui tumse hi drikshit version!! {completed}Where stories live. Discover now