last part~~ happy ending

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After that incident, it took so much of his efforts to pacify her.

From flowers and chocolates to many more things but she didn't talk with him.

She finally talked to him when he blindfolded her and took her to a cliff like place with the help of Shivya.

That place was so beautiful. When you look down, you can see city lights for miles. She was fascinated by the sight that she forgot that she was angry with him.

Drishti- "It's so beautiful Rakshit!! Thank you!! Thank you so much for bringing me here" she jumped like a kid, holding his hand.

They sat there looking at those city lights that goes for miles, endless starry sky silently. Rakshit decided to break the ice.

Rakshit-"So... are you still angry with me for what I said in the party?" She started to laugh.

Drishti- " No Rakshit! I forgot that days ago

Rakshit-"Then why were you ignoring me?" Her laugh died down.

Drishti- "Aisa kuch-"

Rakshit-"Don't say there's nothing like that! I know there's something bothering you. Just tell me...!"

Drishti- "It's... I just... I wanted to tell you something"

Rakshit- "What?"

She placed her head on his shoulder. Taking a deep a deep breath she started to talk.

Drishti-"Do you remember when you proposed me in Goa the day before Shivya's wedding?" He had a flashback.

Rakshit- "Ah... my stupid dare! You still remember that?" He said with a small laugh.

Drishti-"Stop acting Rakshit. I knew it wasn't a dare"

His eyes widened.

Rakshit- "What do you mean? It was Shekher-"

Drishti-"I knew Shekher didn't have anything to do with it. You were so sincere and so truthful. A person who was completing a dare can't be that sincere. You weren't doing a dare, you were telling me your true feelings. I knew that!! I just made a story about a dare coz I couldn't reject you. I couldn't accept you but I couldn't reject you either. You seems to be khadoos and all but still you're so pure at heart. Even when I just said about a dare, you went along with that too hiding your feelings in your heart. I'm sorry Rakshit. I really am."

He didn't know what to say. He thought she really didn't know. He stared at ahead and asked,

Rakshit-"It's been more than a year. Why are you telling me this now?"

Drishti- "I wanted to tell you then too but I every time I see your eyes, I lose my courage. I didnt want to lose your friendship. I'm sorry!"

Rakshit-"It's alright. It's over now"

Drishti-"Is it really over?"

He understood the hidden question behind her words. She was indirectly asking if he still has feelings for her.

Rakshit- "There's no point talking about past. By the way, did you know Shivya's wedding 2nd anniversary is coming. What should we do?"

He changed the topic averting his eyes.

Understanding what he was doing, she stood up making him look at her in question. Giving him a small smile she said,

Drishti-"I'll think about it. For now we should go. It's late now"

During the ride back home, both were silent. Rakshit's car came to a stop in front of Drishti's gate.

Drishti- "You asked why I brought up that topic after all this time." He again looked away.

She placed her palm on his cheek and made him look at her. Leaning to him from her seat, she kissed his lips softly and whispered "I love you"

He was in a daze not getting what the hell just happened. She took that as a chance and ran to her house getting out of his car. She was afraid what he might say.

By the time Rakshit got out of his shock she was already inside. He yelled at her to come back but she didn't. day morning.........

. Drishti unwillingly got ready to go to the hospital. She didn't want to face Rakshit so soon after last night. She got 1000W shock when she opened the door and saw a very familiar person standing before her eyes.

His back was turned to her but she's not an idiot not to recognise him.

Drishti- "Rakshit?" Came her inaudible gasp.

She took a step back and tried to close the door before he see her but luck wasn't in her side.

Rakshit turned around and grabbed her hand, opening the door wider.

Rakshit-"You didn't even say good morning and invited me inside. You were going to close the door. How rude of you Dr. Drishti"

Holding her hand, he stepped closer to her. She stepped back. Suddenly, she heard the door closing only to realize now both of them were inside.

Drishti- "Rakshit I-"

He turned them and pinned her to the door.

Rakshit- "Sshhh!!! What do you think? You can just say you love me like that and hide from me?"

Drishti- "I-I kn-"

Rakshit- "Chup! Ek dam chup! You won't talk now. You said a lot yesterday"

his voice was husky in her ears. She obeyed silently to his command not being able to get out of his arms that was caging her to the door.

Rakshit- "Did you thought I was blind? I knew you love me for some time. Every time you can't see me your eyes run over to find me. If I didn't talk with you properly you look like I did some crime. You share your every little thing with me even if you haven't told Shayra or Shekher. Every time I come closer to you your heart beat raises. You let me come closer to you. Those are the most important facts but there are still more"

Drishti- "Was I that obvious?" She asked with her eyes closed in embarrassment.

Rakshit-"Ummhmm and it was so cute. After when you told me so kindly that you have a boyfriend, I never expected to see you fall for me. It's a beautiful experience. And a beautiful feeling. Your every action made me feel that you love me"

She was blushing madly.

Rakshit- "And this blush, I could just watch it all day"

Drishti-rakshit !! Stop it na. You're embarrassing me!!"

She buried her face in the crook of his neck.

Rakshit-"Hahaha why is it embarrassing? It's so cute."

Drishti- "I don't care! I don't wanna hear anymore!!"

Rakshit-"Not even my reply to your love confession last night?"

She stiffened in his arms. He made her face him. She wasn't looking at him. She had her eyes closed. She didn't want to face him. Then she felt a soft touch on her lips.

A second later he pulled away. She opened her eyes to see his. He asked,

Rakshit-"Was that a good enough reply?" She looked dumbfounded.

Drishti- "What do you mean?"

Rakshit- "Offo meri tubelight ki dukaan!!

You should know better now!!

Actions speak louder than words!!"

Her eyes widened in realization.

Drishti-"Oh! So you-"

Rakshit- "Yes, but you didn't understand it first. So I think that wasn't enough!"

he then silenced all her questions capturing her lips with his.

She closed her eyes instinctively, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer as his arms snaked around her waist never to let her go.

She didn't even realize him sliping a ring on her left hand ring finger. What will be her reaction when she see it later . .....

meri assiqui tumse hi drikshit version!! {completed}Where stories live. Discover now