Request #1: Tessen

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Emperor_Drakkon - Venus using her mystic weapon.

-"Force fields huh?" She said to herself. She'd try and do what she did when they were fighting Shredder Baron Draxum.

-She stuck her weapon in the air and closed her eyes and focused on making a forcefield, waiting for it to appear. But when she opens her eyes, no force field. Just her normal room.

-She tries it again and still nothing, does it another time and nothing.

-Now she is getting frustrated. When she was on the battle field she was able to activate it without even knowing it. But when she does want to activate her weapon's power, it doesn't do a thing.

-She starts asking her brothers what to do, they've had their weapons for a while, they should know how to make it work.

-First is Raph. He was doing his usual workout in his room. She quickly climbs onto the back of his shell, avoiding all the sharp pointy edges and sits on his shoulders. "Raph, my mystic weapon isn't working." She whines dangling her folded tessen in the red turtles face. "What's wrong with it?" He asked, putting his weight back on it's rack. "It won't make a forcefield like last time. It doesn't even glow." She replied with a sad look on her face. Raph took the weapon from her and looked at it intently. It was exceptionally tiny in his hands. "Hmm?" Raph said as he scratched his chin. Venus jumped onto the ground and watched her older brother to see what he would do. He began to wave the cyan colored tesssen up and down in vigorous way. He does that for a while, his pace getting faster and faster. He stops and sees if the weapon did anything, but no. Not even a spark. He does it again, even faster this time. But nothing. He turns around to face Venus who has a worried look on her face. She looks at Raph then at her weapon. He chuckles a little bit, trying to reassure her. "It's alright, Vee I almost have it." He turns back around and shakes the tessen even harder. He grunts in anger. And starts doing it again "Come on!" He exclaimed while a vain pops out from the side of his head. He has done it for exactly 7 minutes. Once the realization that he can't get it to work he roars out and kneels down to Venus. "Sorry Vee, I don't know what's wrong with it." He says sadly, handing her tessen back to her. She sighs. "It's ok." She says, giving him a kiss on his head and leaving his room. Now it's time to ask the next brother. But TBH, as grateful as she was for Raph's attempt to help, she was glad to leave. She wasn't worried that her weapon wasn't working. She was worried that Raph was going to break it.

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