ಥ Chapter 8: Us and Them ಥ

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      The spacious living room with a beautiful luxurious furnishings look very elegant at the dim night light. On a side of its wall, an audacious auras are crawling slowly, engulfing the whole space in a minute. Then it move upward and disappear into the ceiling. From a room at the end of the second floor, a heavy cough is echoing throughout that huge mansion. It then continue with an eerie scream.

   At the Autumn Residence Tower, Fier is sitting comfortably in front of the TV while chewing on the beef jerky, her head swayed according to the rhythm from her headphone. She is listening to music from her iPod while the TV is on.

     'Are you watching the TV or the TV is watching you?' K pressed the cold water bottle on Fier's cheek!

    'Oiiii!!!' She hissed like a mad cat at the coldness of the water bottle. He laughed at her reaction. Cute!

   'Daydreaming?' He asked her, smirking.

   'Of your boyfriend?' He tease her. He did mysteriously feel comfortable with that young woman. It is feel like they had known each other for years.

   'I'm not! Don't disturb me.' Fier pushed K away from sitting next to her.

   'We're family now.' He is at it again.

   'No. Not! Absolutely not!' Fier make "X" sign, denied K's words.

   'It's just my big brother took pity on a homeless you two weeks ago.' Fier glared at K. She is still feeling angry at her cousin, Detective Ashia for inviting that guy to live at her house without consulting her first. His reason is K is safe with Fier after he knows about the ghost woman that is following K.

    While K is homeless since his house's ceiling suddenly collapsed after Milan's body was found. If it is not because her auntie take her cousin's side, Fier would protest to her heart content that day. Live with a stranger is such a no!

   'Kids, the dinner is ready. Let's eat together.' Auntie Jane called from the dining room, cut off Fier's long thought.

   'Coming!' They both shouted.

   'Auntie, big bro is not coming home for dinner tonight?' Fier asked her auntie once she enter the dining room. K followed her closely.

   'He have a new case. Something related to the mansion he said on the phone.' Auntie Jane put a soup bowl in front of K that was already siting at the dining table.

   'Ohh.. Hope it is not related to the ghost again. He is always dragging me in if it does.' Fier is half whining and take her seat next to K.

   'But that gives you money too, right?' Auntie Jane place a meat bowl in front of Fier this time. K is just listening to their conversation. He knows nothing about the ghost or the police work.

  'As if the ghost are able to pay me properly.' Fier sighed.

   'Aha.. About that... The key from Kayden's house, your brother had leave it for you to investigate.' Said Auntie Jane.

   'Umm...why?' Fier asked with her mouth full with foods.

   'He said that there is something strange about the key.' K answered her question.

  'He told you so?' Fier look at K.

  'Yeah. He said although the key is in pair. One is useless. It is not related to any key hole inside my house.' K explained to Fier what Detective Ashia had told him earlier.

  'So? He wants me to find out what the other key is about?' Fier slowly munched her foods.

   'Yes. He said you may find the answer.' Auntie Jane interrupted.

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