Chapter 14: Heading Home

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We spend a week building a defense system and cleaning up the town. I want to stay longer but my dad said we've been gone for too long from Silvanesti and we need to head back. I say goodbye to my new friends. I actually made friends. After saying goodbye I get onto my horse with my bag and waterskin then ride away with my dad. We Sprint through the woods and have small breaks for the horses to rest and to eat.

When we get back to Silvanesti they let us back inside. One of the guards tells my dad "You need to report to the Speaker."
My dad asks "For what reason?"
"That does not matter. Take care of the horses then go to the Speaker."
My dad doesn't say anything else. We get off the horses and get our stuff before giving the horses to the servants. My dad pays them then turns to me. He tells me "Go home and stay there until I come."
I ask him "What's going on?"
"I can't explain that right now. Just listen to me please."
I nod my head and then quickly turn around. I start running home and dodging around the Elves that are in my way. When I make it home I unlock the door, go inside, then close it. To keep myself busy I start washing my clothes in our yard. After I hang them up to dry I wander around the house and clean it some. After cleaning I practice fist fighting and sword fighting. Eventually it's getting dark so I go lay on my bed and go to sleep. My last thought before falling asleep is why isn't my dad back?

When I wake up it's early the next day. I get out of bed and go to our kitchen. My dad is standing there and making something. I ask him "Why didn't you come home last night?"
He tells me "I had a long meeting with the Speaker. I had to explain what happened at the Human town. And why we got back later then I said we would."
"Are we in trouble?"
He smiles and tells me "No we aren't. Don't worry about it."
We sit down in silence and eat breakfast. The rest of the day is very uneventful. My dad goes to work and I also go do my job. Cleaning up garbage, leaves, and sticks.

*Picture at the top of the chapter is the path back home*

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