Suddenly I see you, far off outside,
You're not a creature, nothing to hide.
My breath is calm and without regrets,
Life on the front line is harder at best.Slowly you're crawling, right through the field,
With the will of the reaper, you seize what you've killed.
I am just frozen, watch you from afar,
Suddenly you see me and reach out to my heart.Your golden shadow, divides the sunrise,
Moons fade to your halo, subvert to the skies.
My will is taken, no need to fight,
Consider me yours now and I speed to your side.#161
The bright sunlight hit the glass panes of the atrium and got dispersed into countless little rainbows. The warm and friendly design of the whole main building peaked inside it's epicentre, where almost all of René's teachings took place and where the students were transformed from common human beings into advanced, spiritual creatures. It least, that was the way Chris felt about his new environment and the people, who were accompanying him on his journey. He had just arrived for his second major teaching session and he found, to his pleasant surprise, that there were even more students, than the time before. He took the last free spot next to a fragile boy, who was obviously far younger than him and sat down. Their eyes met for a split second, before René came in and instantly inherited the room. He took stage on the small podium on the long side of the atrium and everybody turned silent. After taking his time to inspect the faces of his students, he folded his hands in front of him and started.
"In our last session, we have talked about the reasons for our own weaknesses, our addictions and the influence modern society inflicts upon us."
René suddenly spread out his arms, started to loosen his hands and legs and it was obvious, that what he had to say, absorbed him.
"Every time I start to think about our ... predicament, anger rises up in me. And I find it difficult to bare the pain and the suffering I witness every day. But on the other side, this precise anger gives me the strength and the courage to find the right words and to direct them back at you. For reasons far beyond your current capacities, I have promised to be honest to you and to do everything within my powers to help you, to nurture you ... and to lift you up. There will be times, when you will like me for what I have to say. And there will be times, when you will hate me for it."
René let his words unravel their full bearing, before he continued.
"Some of you are now closing in to a critical point in the course of their path and their own personal development. Some of you will soon be able to enter the second ring and they will have to ask themselves, do I dedicate this life to my eternal success and well-being? Am I willing to take the steps necessary, to improve my life in such a way, that I will never be able to return to my old, weak self again?"
René's disciples peered around the room and searched each others eyes for consolidation, unsure whether their neighbour or themselves would be the ones to leave.
"These changes are profound and most of you can't even comprehend the consequences, which are going to result out of your decision to go on. But don't be scared ... be thankful ... be delighted ... for the chance you are receiving here."
Chris took a look at the fragile boy next to him and he sensed the shivering of his body, transmitted through the fibres of the ground. An unintelligible fear to be infected by the boy's weakness made him increase the distance. Chris directed his focus back to René and sharpened his ears towards the truth, he was about to receive.
"You need to forget about everything you know, everything you think to know. Let go of the vague assumptions you have made up about this world. You need to make a cut. Rewire your brain! Your perception is poisoned, smudged and contaminated by the restricted views of others. YOU are a slave to the ill-conceived design of our society!"
Drown the Night
AdventureThe young musician Mike struggles to lead his band through the pitfalls of their first european band tour, in order to show off against his prominent rival and to win a major label contract at a fateful band contest! Mike, the singer and band leader...