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This time when the Winchesters knocked on their old front door, they had company. Missouri and I were both with them, much to the complaint of Dean. If he had it his way, the skinwalker would be sent back home and not be involved in their business.

It wasn't that he disliked having her there - quite the opposite actually. It was a nice change of pace from just him and Sam on the road and before that just him. But she could be pushy, just as she had been when he told her to stay in the car.

"Hell no, Winchester," she had said, shoving him out of the way of the open car door. "I'm not being benched this time," she called over her shoulder, already making her way towards the front door. She stopped and looked over her shoulder at him. "Sorry Dean, but you need my help. With this case and I'm sure others." She flashed him a confident smile.

He could feel his heart squeezing, just thinking about her confidence.

Missouri talked with the woman, giving her the whole spiel about how they were here to help and that there was a dark presence in her new home. Neither Winchester agreed with 'drawing back the curtain', as Moseley had put it in relation to their father. The fewer people who knew about the supernatural world, the better.

The woman finally agreed to let the foursome in and Missouri quickly made her way to the second floor.

She hummed thoughtfully to herself. "This is it. This is the center of it all."

"How do you know?" Sam asked.

She launched into a short speech that Dean didn't understand much. Something about evil making wounds that get filled with demonic infections. That he could somewhat understand.

"Is it like it gets stretched?" I asked, twiddling my fingers with nerves, confidence faltering. "Like, it gets stretched and can't return to its original shape, so there's room for more to get in?"

Missouri nodded her head. "This used to be your nursery, Sam. This was where that evil first appeared. Something has to fill that space again."

"So what is it?" Dean chimed in. I glanced his way but quickly turned away when he looked back.

"This house has attracted a poltergeist, and a nasty one at that." Missouri let out a shaky breath. "The spirit won't rest until this woman and her babies are dead."

"Then we need to get them out of the house," Sam offered, turning swiftly towards the door. He was already on his way down the stairs before anyone else had reacted.

The family left quickly, with much reluctance and arguing from the mother. "I just don't think I feel comfortable leaving you here alone," she said, tapping her foot nervously as she adjusted her toddler on her hip.

"Oh hush honey," said Missouri, ushering her out the door, "Take your kids to see a movie. It'll all be over by the time you get back." The woman swallowed dryly and nodded, rushing her kids to the car. Missouri's serious tone held a sense of foreboding that made me shiver.

We quickly ran back into the house to find Dean and Sam putting together a handful of blue pouches. Their ingredients were strange - I had never seen such things.

"So what exactly are these, Missouri?" Dean inquired, sprinkling a handful of what looked to be ash onto the blue-stained leather.

"Powerful anti-ghost magic. Bury these within the structure of the house, and it'll be sure to keep the poltergeist at bay."

"It won't banish it?" I asked, taking my own leather bag.

"No, darling. You can't banish a poltergeist, it's become one with the house. Maybe with a more gentle poltergeist, but not one this powerful."

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now