Into Darkness

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"What do you mean you want to go to Montana?" Calliope sputtered, pacing around the cramped hotel room, and nervously running her thin fingers through her dark hair. "I thought we were going home?"

"And we will," I offered from my place on the bed. The mattress was rather plush, something that surprised me considering most rural hotels were less than pleasant. "I just... there's something I want to look into." I scowled and clasped my hands tightly together, bouncing my knee nervously. The sun beamed through the thin curtains, casting spiraling shapes along the floor and my lower leg. The three of us had hardly slept but that didn't stop us from planning our next course of action.

"Yeah, but the whole point of us following you out here was to bring you home!" she exclaimed, cheeks dusting with pink from the brief debate. "We were supposed to get you home so you could heal and quit hunting. And now you, what, want to go on some hunt in Montana of all places? What the hell is in Montana for us?"

I pursed my lips and frowned at her, biting back a distasteful remark. "I've got a potential lead on... something I've been trying to understand for a while now." Truthfully, I had no idea what was out there for us; but, the mere suggestion of other skinwalkers was enough for me. Perhaps if I could meet them, learn from them, I could understand some of the odd events that had taken over the majority of my thoughts.

"I don't know what's out there," I added and wiped my sweaty palms across my denim-clad thighs. "I just know that I've got this weird feeling. Like there's something I need to see - someone I need to see, maybe." Something, and I didn't know what, was pushing me to follow these rumors.

Booth groaned from his place on the second bed, flat on his back and with an arm covering his face. "Yeah? And what did this hunter say to you that makes you want to add three days, maybe more, to our trip home?"

I bit my lip nervously and clasped my hands tighter, ignoring the sweaty feeling that was slowly taking over the skin of my palms yet again. I had been hoping neither of them would question my conversation with Clarence Clearwater. I didn't want to go into detail about everything he had told me - that would open another can of worms I wasn't ready to discuss with them. The less they knew about my previous hunts and this new 'Black Dog' title, the safer they would be.

A part of me hoped that perhaps I was jumping to conclusions and I wasn't this supposed 'Black Dog'; but, considering my record, that was unlikely. I hoped that if I kept out of the way of hunters, maybe the rumor would pass me by.

I had told my pack little of my escapades with the Winchesters, my encounters with demons, or any of the strange events that had taken over my thoughts. All they knew was that John had sought revenge against a demon that had hurt their family, and I had chosen to help. I hadn't told them about the whispers or visions of the wolf, nor did I want to start now. I wanted to handle this on my own, keep them out of the fray and away from whatever danger may come of it.

I didn't trust anything that had been happening to me, but I was willing to put myself in danger for answers. I wanted it gone, the whispers, the wolf, the darkness; if adding three days to our journey was the way to do it, so be it.

"There have been... some rumors circulating around the hunting community. Skinwalkers have apparently resurfaced," I finally spoke. Booth sat up quickly and turned his steely gaze on me, filled with curiosity and wariness. "The hunter I met has reason to believe there are others like us in Montana."

"And you want to go after them, why?" Calliope demanded, blue eyes narrowed, and brows furrowed in aggravation. "Wasn't the whole point of us living in the middle of nowhere to stay away from others? So we could lead semi-normal lives?"

"Nothing about our lives is normal," Booth countered bitterly, calloused hands digging into the plush fabric comforter beneath his palms.

"We have no clue what's out there!" Calliope continued, out of breath and flustered. She clicked her tongue in annoyance and folded her arms tightly over her chest. "What's so important about other skinwalkers, huh? What are you trying to find?" Two sets of icy eyes met mine, a ferocious scowl adorning Calliope's round face and a look of curiosity plastered on Booth's.

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