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To my disappointment, Dean didn't stay with me for long. All he needed was a few moments to collect himself, and now he was ready to jump back in. He stormed back into the motel room and I followed close behind, wanting to know what exactly his plan was. Were we really going to go after John?

Sam was seated at the table when I entered and quickly jumped to his feet, his eyes following Dean as his brother marched towards his duffel bag. "What are you doing, Dean?" he questioned as Dean filled the bag and pocketed the Colt.

"We've got to go," he responded, turning to face Sam with a resolute expression. "The demon knows we're in Salvation, all right. It knows we got the Colt. It's got Dad – it's probably coming for us next," he clarified, pulling his coat on.

"We've still got three bullets left," Sam retorted. "Let it come."

My hackles rose. That demon was not something I ever wanted to see again, quite frankly, and I really didn't want to sit here and wait for it. This thing... it had been in my head twice, showing me things I could never imagine on my own.

"Sam, if we stay here we're sitting ducks," I snapped. Dean turned to face me with a quizzical expression. He knew I would never condone his erratic attacks, but at this moment I knew we couldn't stay. "Next time we fight the demon, it'll be on our own terms; otherwise, it's going to kill us," I snarled. Sam glared back and I stared him down with a vicious look. I was not in the mood to deal with his idiotic guilt complex and the need for vengeance.

"We're not ready to take it on," Dean chimed in. "We don't know how many of them are out there. Now, we're no good to anybody dead. We're leaving now," he ordered, slinging his pack over his shoulder and marching out to the Impala.

I cast Sam a nervous look and began silently packing my things. I was still shaking from my encounter with that demon... that thing it had shown me. A vision, maybe? I didn't know, but I knew I never wanted to find out.

I hated not knowing. The demon clearly showed it to me for a reason, and I hoped I would never know why. I wanted nothing more than to never see those pale yellow eyes again. The scent of sulfur and ash still clung to my clothes and I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

I snuck a glance over my shoulder at Sam. He was still busily packing, a frustrated glare on his chiseled features. Perhaps I would have enough time to change clothes before we headed out.


"Dean, what's the plan here?" I questioned, leaning against his seat as he pulled out of the motel parking lot. "Please tell me you have at least some sort of plan."

"Sort of," Dean started. "We find dad and kill the demon. That's it."

"That's your plan?" I spoke, my voice rising with terror. "Dean, we don't even know where to start looking!"

"We should have stayed," Sam spat, crossing his arms over his chest indignantly as the Impala swerved onto the highway. "We could have taken him."

"Like hell, we could have!" I shouted, slamming my hand onto the back of the leather seats in frustration. "If we had stayed, we would be dead already!"

"You don't know that-" I started and I snarled. He clamped his mouth shut and glared from the corner of his eye, refusing to fully turn to face me.

"I saw it, Sam," I spat, digging my nails into the thin leather. "It spoke to me- I looked into its goddamn eyes! There's no fucking way we can kill it, at least, not on its terms. And I guarantee, if we had stayed we would have been exactly where it wanted us." I sat back angrily in my seat, gripping the material of my flannel and balling it up in my fists.

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now