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The Winchester boys had agreed to take me home, much to my discontent. I knew they were eager to get on their way and continue their search for their father. I kept pressing the boys to simply let me run home, knowing I could easily make it back in two days if I ran the whole way. I didn't want to be more bothersome than I already felt I was, especially now that I knew what their goal was. The brothers stubbornly refused.

So I pouted in the back seat, fur thoroughly ruffled from frustration. I couldn't help but feel that maybe they didn't trust me to go alone.

Sam had gently tried to drag me into the conversation between the brothers more than a few times. I talked with them for a few minutes before fading into the background. The boys would continue their banter and I listened with amusement, only for one or both of them to realize I had distanced myself again and try to pull me back in.

My mind was racing. I had only asked the boys a handful of questions about their parents and childhood before I deemed it as a lost cause. Dean was still sour over the event of their mother's death, even twenty-two years later, and I really didn't want to push him. I wondered what it was that had killed their mother - I didn't know of any monsters that could have done something like that, although my knowledge was fairly limited to the average monsters. Dennis had taught me plenty about them, but he certainly didn't specialize in anything too far above his pay grade.

I didn't particularly believe in higher powers. If God did exist, he certainly didn't care about anything that was happening on Earth. If he really loved creation, he would fix some of its problems, right? He was either absent, or nonexistent. Hands off.

I had never believed in higher powers, like gods, angels, demons, all that nonsense. It made no sense - but then again, neither did monsters. But, hearing about Sam's visions and their mother's death... I couldn't help but wonder if maybe I was wrong about the whole God thing too, and maybe everything else I thought I knew. I scowled at the memory of an unfamiliar voice whispering in my ear, deep in the woods.

"What do you think, Y/N?" came Sam's questioning voice. I jarred in my seat, nearly smacking my head against the window that I had been staring out of for what felt like hours. In reality, I had been in my own little world for about twenty minutes now.

I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to the younger Winchester. "What do I think about what?"

Sam chuckled softly before reopening his laptop. I waited patiently as he searched for whatever he wanted to show me. He finally managed to pull up an article and show it to me (after several glares from Dean).

It was a fairly simple article from a small town in Kentucky. Apparently several horse ranches in the area had lost some horses - they had been completely drained of blood. Authorities believed it was done by some sort of satanic worshipers. I shrugged and handed the laptop back to Sam. "Vampires."

Dean scoffed from the driver's seat and glanced at her from the rear view mirror. "Vampires are extinct, everyone knows that."

I quirked an eyebrow at him, knowing full well that probably wasn't true, considering how most hunters thought my own species was long dead. And even if it was, there were a lot different monsters out there -- there had to be another bloodsucking type. "OK... then what did you want my opinion on?"

"If we should go or not, obviously," Dean said, glancing at me once again from the rearview mirror. "Sam doesn't think it's worth it-"

"Whatever it is is feeding on livestock, Dean," Sam spoke up, glaring at his brother. "They aren't hurting anyone."

"The horses would beg to differ," countered Dean. "And who's to say it'll keep feeding on livestock? I say we check it out ourselves and finish anything before it starts."

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now