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I knelt on my knees the feeling of loss as she shut the door of the falcon on me.
"Supreme leader"
Hux shouted from outside room I was in him approaching rapidly
"Yes general hux what do you want now"
"We are to late hux they are already gone."
"Kyl...supreme leader can't we track them to hyper space like their other ships"
"No hux no we can't because that ship has just returned from the scavengers training with skywalker and doesn't have a tracker now prepare my ship"
"Yes supreme leader"
I stud up towering over the two storm toopers by my side. I could only think of rey and how she shut me out yet again t he same every time. Did she still think to me as a monster. I didn't want this i. I want her to join me and one way or another she will.
It had been a while now since leaving crait ans many people where starting rumours of kylo and the news of snokes death.
The resistance were at its low never being at six hours risk in numbers before.
I heard the young pilot say walking over to where me and Leia sat.
"Poe and before you ask now is not the time to go blow something up in an x-wing"
"Oh never mind what I was going to say then"
The pilot turned on his heel and then spinner around again giggling to himself and Leia.
"No I was going to ask where are we taking the resistance we will need to re-fuel soon and everyone is begging to be tired."
I know poe I've been contemplating this for a while now there are not many systems who would be happy to take us everyone is hiding in fear."
"I know general where we're you thinking we could go"
"I was mainly thinking of chandrilla"
Something Rushed through me at this pint meaning if we went to the planet something and was bound to happen the force was guiding me to somewhere but I couldn't tell
Everyone began to stare at me wondering about my sudden uprising
"Rey what's wrong?"
Leia asked placing her hand on my shoulder.
"I don't know but we can't go to chandrilla please just trust me"
"Are you sure rey"
"Yeah I am sure"
"Poe set our courses for jakku."
"Yes general orgarna"
"Rey now it's your turn to trust me"
•••a few hours later•••
I was sat in my old home some parts had been stolen by fellow scavengers others they where left.
I didn't know how to act general had asked me to stay with her but it was after hours now and I had sneaked off to my beloved home my marking still on one wall from the time I counted the days until my parents left.
I was reunited with many of my old belongings.
My x-wing fighter toy. Oh how I'd missed it the only thing left from my family. The one question I still had yet to answer.
"Ben I'm...."
"How's jakku?"

Be the Queen to my King (a reylo story) Where stories live. Discover now